Chapter 1

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I just moved to L.A. to live with my brother in a frat house. Sway La, the last place on earth that anyone would like to be. However, I chose a good college here so I can pursue my dreams of becoming a biotechnician. I know that sounds boring, but biology and math are my favourite subjects.

I hadn't seen Griffin in a few years because he moved away while I was still in high school. To be honest, I'm not sure I really want to live with him and a bunch of his idiotic and immature friends.

Griff has always been super protective of me and never lets any guys come near me when he's around, as older brothers normally do. Little does he know; I've been talking to his friend Tayler for a few months. I really like him.

The drive to Sway was a bit nerve-wracking since I'm not used to driving by myself to a whole different city. My anxiety has always been terrible, and meeting a bunch of new people, especially a bunch of boys, is very intimidating. I just hope it goes well. I have to live here at least until I finish college.


Once arriving outside of Sway, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and quickly texted Griff to let him know that I was outside.


Hey, I'm here


                              read 1min ago


e is literally the driest texter I know, my lord.

While waiting in the driveway, I grabbed all my bags and set them neatly in a stack beside me. A couple of minutes passed before the front door opened, and Griff stepped out.

"Hey, Em!" Griff exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Griff, I haven't seen you in so long!"

"I know, right? It's crazy."

He grabbed one of my bags and opened the front door, leading me inside. I was welcomed by a large foyer and a bunch of guys walking towards us.

"Hey guys, this is my sister, Emma," Griff sighed, visibly worried by his friends.

I waved to them,"Oh, uhm. Hi."

"Hey girl, what's up? I'm Bryce," he said flirtatiously; making me giggle. Can't tell if I'm flattered or uncomfortable.

"Anyways, I'm josh. Nice to meet you," Josh said while holding out his hand for me to shake, which I gladly accepted.

"I'm Anthony, and this is Kio. It's really nice meeting you, but we gotta go," Anthony said while walking away with Kio.

"Sup, I'm Quinton," he said nonchalantly, walking away on his phone. He looks quite young compared to the others.

"Yo, I'm Jaden."

Jaden smiled at me, which made me smile back. His hair looks so fluffy. I just want to touch it.

"Hey Emma, nice to see you," Tayler said with a smile. This is our first meeting in person. He seems taller in person.

"Hey," I replied shyly, a familiar burning sensation spread across my cheeks when I noticed him checking me out.

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