Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

After the whole swimsuit incident, I decided that I didn't want to see anyone until morning. The embarrassment was still too fresh in my brain.

I have no idea what's currently happening downstairs, and I dont care to know.

I am currently standing in my shower; the hot water soaking my hair before following my bodies curves. I focus on washing my hair first. I grab my coconut scented shampoo and begin massaging it into my hair. Once I rinse it out, I follow up with conditioner and a quick body wash. Before I get out of the shower, I quickly wash my face as well.

Once I dried off, I changed into my pajamas, which are just old shorts and a hoodie I stole from Griff before he moved out.

I closed my curtains to my balcony, and put on Cobra Kai, which I've already seen. I really wanted a snack, so I decided now ia the time face everyone downstairs.

I quickly put my headphones on and walked downstairs to the kitchen, hoping no one would try to talk to me. I made it to the pantry and was browsing for a few minutes when suddenly, my headphones were lifted off my head from behind. I turned around, my back hitting the shelves behind me, startling me slightly.

"Oh, hey Tayler," I awkwardly giggled, almost inaudible.

"Hey Emma," he smiled back.

He moved his hand to grab something from the shelf behind me, leaving our faces a couple inches apart. A warm blush spread across my face as he moved a strand of hair behind my ear, causing me to feel butterflies in my stomach.

"You know you're so cute," he smiled, cupping my cheek with his palm.

I let out a silent appalled gasp as he connected our lips, kissing me slowly. The burning sensation from my face soon grew stronger down my neck.

The kiss was sweet and only lasted a few seconds before we parted. The eye contact after the kiss made the butterflies more noticeable.

"I've been wanting to do that for the longest time," he chuckled to himself silently.

"I- yeah," was all I had managed to say. Good going Emma, now he knows you're a fucking pussy!

I grabbed my headphones from his hand, placing them around my neck. I grabbed a Poptart and quickly kissed his cheek before walking out of the pantry and back to my room. Quickly walking up the stairs and down the hallway.

When I got to my room, I closed my door and face planted into my bed, embarrassed. I placed the Poptart on my nightstand and pulled the covers over myself.

The only thing running through my mind was the kiss Tayler and I had just shared moments ago. I ended up falling asleep to it, which caused some interesting dreams throughout the night.

How was your first kiss? They're always so awkward the first time, even if it's not your very first kiss.

That's a very personal question, LOL.

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