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I was still really tired and full from eating that Chick-fil-A so I just pulled the blankets over my head again and grabbed my broken phone
Ja) bubs stop hiding I wanna see your face
I didn't say anything and I know that would piss him off but I didn't care at that point until he came under the covers with me
Ja) please stop hiding and tell me what's wrong, did I do something?
I put down my phone and looked at him in the eyes I could tell he was sad
Em) no baby you didn't do anything wrong
Ja) then what happened
Em) well..
Ja) I just wanna help
He put his arm around me for comfort
Em) well when I went to see Dixie she was nice until it was just me and her then she started yelling at me
Ja) what why
Em) she thinks I told Griffin to cheat on her when i didn't
Ja) why would you do that
Em) exactly I wouldn't
Ja) we need to tell griff
Em) no because he's gonna yell at me
Ja) no he's not
Em) *sigh* okay but I don't wanna get up
Ja) we can tell him later
I laid on top of him (with the blankets still on top of them) and kissed him then I got an Idea
Em) I just realized we never told our fans that we are together
Ja) oh yeah
Em) are you sure your ready for that though
Ja) yeah of course
Em) okay let's post a tik tok


(The second one)
Caption: my bae❤
*comments are turned off*
Ja) I hope we don't get a bunch of hate
Em) that's why I turned off the comments
Then all of the sudden my door burst open
Kio) what the hell
Griff) what is this?
Bla) your dating?
Ant) yesss
Jo) buddy finally found a girl
Bry) y'all are cute
Quin) ship
No) I lowkey ship
I immediately blushed and looked down
Ja) I...uhhh
Jo) you know that's gonna be all over tik tok room now right
Em) shit I didn't even think about that
Ja) so what if people aren't happy for us
Em) true, wait now Dixie's gonna say something
Griff) why would she say something
Em) long story
Griff) ok?
They all walked out and I got a face time from addison
Em) hey addi
Ad) omg I saw your tik tok, your dating jaden?
I blushed
Em) maybe...
I moved a little so she could see jaden laying beside me
Ja) oh hey addison
Ad) awe I ship
I blushed again and jaden kissed my cheek
Ad) omg we need to talk in person
Em) yeah definitely
Ad) is it ok if I come over too see you I'm bringing avani and Dixie
Em) well I was gonna run some errands but um sure
Ad) ok I'll be over in a few bye girly
Em) bye
I said and fake smiled and she hung up
Ja) sooo?
Em) so now Dixie is gonna yell at me again and break my phone even more
Ja) she did that
Em) yeah
Ja) holy shit
Em) I'm kinda scared
Ja) it's okay addison and avani are coming too
Em) yeah that's true
Ja) well I'm gonna get something to drink do you want anything
Em) yeah sure
Ja) I'll be back
After a few minutes he came back with (your fave drink)
Ja) addison, avani and Dixie are downstairs
Em) ughh I'm so scared
Ja) don't be it's okay no one hurts my baby
Em) awe bubs
He gave me a kiss before changing into his swim shorts
Ja) well I'm gonna go to the pool with the boys maybe have a live stream
Em) okay I'll be down in a bit
He walked out and addi, vani and Dixie came in
Ad) Emma!
She screamed excitedly and hugged me and I completely forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt just a sports bra
Em) oh sorry one sec
I grabbed a shirt from my closet and put it on
Av) hey girl
She hugged me
Dix) hey
We just looked at eachother and I tried to hug her but she pushed me away
Ad) ok...
Av) anyway explain everything
Em) well what do you wanna know
Ad) when did you start dating
Em) like 2 or 3 weeks ago
Av) omggg
Ad) i ship
Dix) I'm gonna go home
Ad) um ok
Ad) bye?
Em) that was weird
Ad) yeah
Av) anyway we wanna know more
And we just spent hours talking until we decided to go for a swim
Ad) does this bathing suit look okay?
Em) damn addi it looks so good
Av) yeah I love it
we grabbed our towels and walked downstairs to the pool
Ja) oh hey guys
I saw he was still on his live and anthony was with him
Av) hi babe
She ran over to him and jumped in
Ad,em,ja) *laughs*
Ja) well anyway I should go I just wanted to say hi and tell you about my new song
He ended his live and looked at me
Ja) babe get your ass over her before I throw you in again
Em) noo it's cold
Ad) pfft!
I hid behind addi and she just laughed
Ant) jeez how many times have you thrown her in the pool
Ja) uhh too many
Em) no please
Ja) fine as long as you come in
Em) okay I will
Then I went in while addison was sun bathing
Ja) come hereeee
I walked over to him and he grabbed my waist and we just locked eyes until he made a move and kissed me in front of everyone
Ant) yesss
Ad) awe so cute
Av) omg ship
We pulled away and I blushed a lot
*time skip*
Avani was staying the night with Anthony and addison went back to the hype house
Ja) I'm sorry for the pool thing
Em) it's okay I still love you
Ja) I love you too
I brushed my teeth and laid in bed next to jaden
Ja) good night bubs
Em) good night Jae bae
Ja) jae bae?
Em) yeah that's your new nickname
Ja) um ok?
We laughed a little and soon enough fell asleep

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