Chapter 13

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Its been a couple of weeks now and dad isn't mad anymore, he sorta likes Tayler, well he might have just accepted the fact that we are dating.

Anywho, I woke up, ready to spend the day with my besties.

"Morning babe" i heard a husky voice say.

"Morning" I smiled, and gave him a light kiss on the lips.

I got out of bed and changed into black ripped Jean's, and a hoodie. I did my hair and makeup quickly.

"Baby where are you going?" Tay asked, still laying in bed.

"To the mall, why?" I asked.

"Oh no reason, just wondering" he smiled.

"Why, did you wanna do something?" I asked.

"Nope, it's alright" he chuckled.

"Would you like to come?" I asked, putting in my earings.

"Nah, I'm still kinda tired. Is it okay if I stay here?" He questioned.

"Of course baby" I smiled.

"Okay" he said, grabbing his phone.

"Have fun staying here" I said

"How long will you be gone?" He asked, scrolling through Instagram.

"I dont know, maybe like four hours I'm going with Dixie and Madi" I replied.

"Let me know when your coming home" he said, giving me a smile.

"Okay I will" I replied, giving him one last kiss.

I grabbed my bag, and left with Dixie and madi.

As soon as we got there, we went to a random clothing store we found, and started picking things out.

"Ooou look at this hoodie" Dixie smiled, picking up a blue hoodie.

"Do you really need anymore hoodies?" I giggled.

"Aays the one who wears her boyfriend's hoodies all the time" she teased.

"Shut uppp" I blushed, walking to another clothing rack.

"Look she is blushing" madi giggled.

"Pfft!" Dixie chuckled.

"I hate you guys so much right now" I smiled.

We all started laughing and teasing each other, while looking at cute clothes.

"Is anyone else hungry or just me?" Dixie asked, placing her items on the counter to pay.

"I'm starving" I said, holding the clothes I was going to buy.

"I could eat" maddie smiled, holding her bag of clothes.

We payed for our stuff, and went to McDonald's. We each ordered our food and sat down to eat.

"Oh my god it smells so good" Dixie smiled.

"Dix we know; you said you were hungry ten minutes ago" madi teased.

"Exactly" I smiled.

We ate really quickly because we were all starving.

Madi was taking pictures for Instagram, while I cleaned up my food.

"Holy shit!-" madi exclaimed.

"What's wrong, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah what happened?" Dixie said, looking at madi's phone.

I walked over, and look at her phone as well. I felt pain throughout my body when I looked at her screen.

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