Chapter 7

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After a few weeks of living in Sway, I began to fall into a routine and even made a mental list of the things I needed to keep note of. For example, do not wake Bryce up before 9:00 in the morning, or else he will hate you for the rest of the week until he gets a decent sleep.

Tayler kind of moved into my room. He lived at the Hype House, but he didn't like leaving me for multiple days at a time. I still haven't attended my college classes as school does not start until September, but I have been working.

Griff offered to help pay for some of my tuition, which has been super helpful. I'm not as popular as him and the other guys on social media, but I do have 100k followers at the moment, which I truly love.

Anyways, when I woke up this morning, I noticed that I had slept in quite a bit. I heard my shower running, so I assumed that Tayler was showering. While I waited for him, I just laid on my bed underneath the covers while scrolling through TikTok.

Soon enough, he exited the bathroom, smiling once he looked at me.

"Oh, good morning, sleepyhead," he said, chuckling ever so slightly as he got dressed.

"Shut up. I was tired."

He laid beside me on the bed and leaned in for a kiss. I quickly covered my mouth and shook my head.

"I have morning breath," I whisper, still covering my mouth.

"I don't care," he replied, pulling me into a kiss after moving my hand.

I practically melted as I felt his soft lips against mine. He crawls on top of me, his hands feeling their way down the sides of my abdomen as we make out. I let out a soft whimper, allowing him access to slide his tongue in my mouth. He does, exploring my mouth with his tongue, eventually both of ours meeting and battling against one another for dominance.

I let out another moan, wrapping my arms around his neck, deepening the kisses.

He begins kissing down my neck and jawline, leaving soft, wet kisses. The feeling left me breathless as a familiar heat forms in between my legs.

I moan out, "Tay~"

We were soon cut off by a knock at the door, and Jaden spoke, "Breakfast!"

I groaned as we were interrupted. Tayler gave me one last peck on the lips before getting off me.

"I'm sorry," I say, looking into his eyes.

"Don't worry about it. They're all fucking cockblockers."

"I chuckle and quickly fix my hair before we walk downstairs. I passed by the living room, stealing a quick glance of Griff and another girl. Wait, are they making out in there?

I stood in the doorway of the living room for a second, debating whether to interrupt.

"Get it, Griff!" I exclaimed teasingly, walking into the living room.

They jump apart, startled with my presence.

"Fuck. I didn't expect you to come in here," Griff begins, embarrassment in his tone.

The girl quickly glances at me, looking mortified.

"Who are you?" I question with genuine curiosity in my voice.

"This is my girlfriend," He replies, murmuring what I can only assume is an apology.

"Hey. I'm Dixie," she said, smiling.

"Ohh, you're on TikTok, aren't you?" I ask.

"Yeah, a lot of people know me as Charli's sister," she says, silently giggling, embarrassed.

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