Chapter 21

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I woke up laying next to jaden when it hit me... jaden hossler is my boyfriend.

I was just thinking about life when his arms pulled me close to him, so we were facing eachother.

"Morning em" he yawned.

"Morning baby" I blushed, realizing what I had said.

"Did you sleep good" he smiled.

"Y-yeah I did" I smiled.

I think he knew how embarrassed I was because he was trying to comfort me. However I ignored it and grabbed my phone, scrolling through tik tok.

"Put your phone away and cuddle me" he frowned, not letting go of my waist.

"Okay okay" I smiled, placing my phone down.

I quickly put on a movie, he grabbed my neck and kissed me, but someone walked in.

"Oh sorry" kio said.

"It's okay, but next time please knock" I replied.

Griffin walked in soon after, when he saw kio standing in my doorway.

"Wait why is jaden in your bed?" Griff asked.

"I um..because we were watching a movie" I said nervously, playing with my fingers.

"You're lying, I know you Emma but please tell me you didn't fuck" griff sighed.

"What? Nooo" I blushed.

"Are y'all dating or something?" Kio asked.

"Uhhh" jaden began.

"Jaden what the fuck" griff growled.

"Griffin stop I wanna be with him" I replied.

"Whatever, but I swear jaden if you break her heart I will break you" that's all he said before walking out.

I went to brush my teeth, and when I came out jaden was on the phone with someone.

"Yes I'm still coming don't worry" he replied to his phone.

I think it was his mom, so I went in my closet and started looking for something to wear.

I must've been in there for awhile because jaden walked in.

"Hey em.." he began.

"What's wrong are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah just that, my mom asked me if I could go see her back home and I wondered if you could come with me?" He asked.

"Of course I will!" I replied, jumping into his arms.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, and kissed his cheek.

"Wow I didn't think you would be this happy" he chuckled.

"I'm so excited to meet your family, but I'm kinda nervous like will they be mad because you broke up with mads?" I asked, still in his arms.

"My sisters know we're dating, haley was really excited" he smiled, patting my down.

"Good because I'm excited to meet them" I smiled.

"We're leaving tomorrow, so we should pack tonight" he replied.

The rest of the day we just chilled in bed until like 8.

"We should pack now, we have to leave early" he yawned.

"Okie dokie" I smiled.

I picked out some clothes to wear for a week and my toiletrie bag. We were done in like 30 minutes.

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