Chapter 4

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Once we finished up at the piercing shop, we walked to McDonald's, so I finished filming the second part of my TikTok before posting it.

"So, how does it feel?" Tayler asked as we walked up to wait in line.

"Not too bad, I really like it," I smiled.

"Well.. I think it looks beautiful on you."

I smiled softly at him before looking in the opposite direction.


Once we ordered our food, we sat at a table. I got a Big Mac and some fries with an iced tea to drink.

"I'm so hungry," Tayler said, taking a huge bite out of his burger.

I smiled, biting my burger as well. A bunch of sauce spilled out of my burger, making me embarrassed. Tayler laughed at me, continuing to eat his meal.

"Can't take me anywhere without me making a mess of myself," I giggled, wiping the sauce off my face.

"And I thought I was a messy eater."

"Oh, shut up."


When we finished eating, we walked back into the mall hallway. Tayler and I walked past a couple of stores just browsing and pointing out the things that we liked.

We were close to the exit of the mall when I noticed an unusually large group of teenage girls; like I get it, kids hang out in large groups, but this was a bit much.

When Tayler and I walked a bit closer, I soon realized why the group of kids was so large. Griff and Ant were right there, signing autographs.

I tried to look away as quickly as possible but soon heard my name.


I turned around and watched as Griff walked over to me. He sighed and folded his arms in front of his chest; exactly like dad would.

"I saw your video."

Oh, great.

"And?" I asked.

"Why the FUCK would you get a nose piercing? You've never been interested in them before, and now you look like a bull."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, I do not look like a bull, and I think it looks awesome. It's my nose, piss off."

I felt a presence behind me and immediately knew who it was.

"Heyy Griff, what's up?" A familiar voice spoke from behind me.

"Oh great. Tayler came with you?"

"Perhaps," I snarled back.

I turned to face Tayler and saw him doing that nervous hand on his neck gesture.

Giving Wattpad boyfriend vibes if I do say so myself.

I was starting to get annoyed by everyone around me, so I started walking to my car.

"Em, wait!" Tayler said. I ignored him and kept walking.

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