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It's been a week since we've been here and were leaving tomorrow which is really sad
Em) I wish we didn't have to leave, like not gonna lie I didn't really miss Griffin
Ja) he doesn't allow anything
Em) do I ever listen though
Ja) ha ha nope not at all
I got up and changed into a hoodie and leggings, before jaden tackled me on the bed
Em) ahh babyy what are you doing
I said laughing
Ja) kiss me
I already knew where this was going but I did it anyway because I mean he is just so hot anyway I kissed him and it wasnt a makeout he only gave me a few aggressive kisses before kissing my neck and jawline a few times
Ja) I fucking love you so much
He said as he kissed me again
Em) I love you too, thanks for being my friend at sway
Ja) of course I'm just glad I could help
We talked until we were done packing
Ja) well we should go eat something
Em) okay
I jumped on his back and he walked downstairs
Ha) oh morning
Ja) wheres dad
M) he went to the store again
Ja) of course
We ate and I went upstairs to mine and jadens bathroom and started curling my hair
Ja) I'm gonna miss it here but i miss the boys more
Em) honestly me too
I finished my hair and went to haley's room
Em) hey
Ha) oh hey come in
I sat on her bed and she sat beside me
Em) we have to leave tomorrow I'm so sad I'm gonna miss you
Ha) awe I'm gonna miss you too I'm so glad jaden found the right girl
Em) thanks for being so nice to me I was so nervous to meet you
Ha) well i think we are good friends now and honestly i was kinda scared to meet you too
We just hung out all day
Ja) babe we should go to bed
Em) okay coming
Ha) good night
Em) night
Ja) good night loser
We all laughed as we walked to our room
Em) your sister is so nice
Ja) yeah until you make her mad
Em) ha ha yeah
Jaden laid down and jumped on top of him
Ja) I'm excited to leave tomorrow
Em) why so you don't have to wear a shirt
Ja) ha ha no I just miss the boys and I have a surprise for you
Em) oh no what did you do
Ja) it's a good surprise
Em) mhmm
Then soon enough we both fell asleep
*time skip*
I woke up because I heard jadens alarm going off
Em) ughhh
Ja) we need to get ready
Em) okay
We got up and I just put on a hoodie and sweats with a messy bun
Ja) you look beautiful today
Em) you say that every morning even if I'm just wearing baggy clothes
Ja) yeah but it's the truth your always beautiful
I blushed a little and kissed him so he couldn't see me blushing
Ja) I know your blushing and that's why you kissed me, you can never hide from me princess
Em) no I didn't I just wanted a kiss
Ja) sure sure
We grabbed our bags and walked downstairs everyone was waiting for us at the door so we said our goodbyes
M) bye Emma nice to meet you
She said as she hugged me
D) I'm glad we met you your such a nice person especially towards jaden
He also hugged me
Ha) bye girly I'm gonna miss you so much you were like a sister to me
She hugged me and I could tell she was sad
Em) I'm gonna miss you too but I promise we will come back soon
Jaden said our last goodbyes and we left
*time skip*
We were on the plane and jaden was texting the boys while I watched a movie
*time skip again*
We made it back to la and we just arrived back at sway then I remembered I never told griff about my tattoo and jaden said something about a surprise
they all ran over to us and hugged us
Griff) so how was it
Bry) sooo did ya'll fuck yet
Em) Bryceeee nooo
Jo) I bet they did
Griff just gave them dirty looks and walked away, it was pretty late so I just went to my room and changed into shorts and jadens shirt
Ja) hey babe guess what
Em) what
Ja) my new song just came out
Em) yayy, I already know some of it but can I listen to it
Ja) of course
We listened to it there was so much pain in it but so beautiful
Em)I love it
I said and kissed his cheek
Ja) thanks I'm glad and thanks for the kiss
Em) who knew jaden hossler would only want a cheek kiss and nothing more
Ja) I never said I didn't want that
Em) that's true but I'm really tired
Ja) let's watch netflix
We laid down on my bed and cuddled, I was so tired the last thing I remember was him kissing my head

I'm sorry I haven't updated for awhile I've just had a few problems but I'm dealing with them and will try to upload more and I love jadens new song it's so deep but amazing and catchy and comment any ideas you want me to do bc I will do them

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