Chapter 9

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I rolled my eyes, turning to the side so he could see my tattoo.

"Are you insane? why did you do that to your body!" He shouted.

"Because it's my body not yours, and I really wanted a tattoo" I replied.

"She also got a nose piercing, since you havent noticed yet" griff said.

"What! Your grounded go to your room" he shouted.

"You're forgetting something, this isn't your house so you can't ground me" I snarled.

I was a little pissed off so I got out of the pool, grabed my towel and walked inside.

I walked upstairs to my room, just to sit on the balcony to dry off in the sun.

I heard the door open, looking over to see my mom.

"Oh hi mom" I smiled.

"Honey I'm so sorry about your father, he just thinks you're not you anymore" she said, sitting in the other chair.

"This is the person I've always wanted to be he's just like griff.. too overprotective" I sighed.

I heard footsteps and saw tayler, yes tayler walk in.

"Oh hi, why are you in here, and who are you?" She asked.

"Oh um I'm Tayler and I walked into the wrong room sorry eheh.." he nervously chuckled.

We made eye contact, making me blush slightly.

"Ooou is there something going on between you too?" She giggled.

"Oh...umm..yes!.." he stuttered.

"Tayler! What did I tell you" I groaned.

"I'm sorryyy, I got nervous" he spoke.

"It's alright, I won't tell your father just try not to be all lovey" she grinned.

"That's what we were doing but Tayler ruined it" I replied.

Without warning, griff and dad walked into my room.

"Look honey I'm sorry..,and who is he, what is he doing in here?" Dad questioned.

"Um I'm Tayler and I walked into the wrong room.." he began.

"Well that's not true because if you walked into the wrong room you would've walked out already" dad said, aggravated.

"Well you see I was apologizing, and then we stated talking" he smiled.

"Uh huh, now get out" dad said.

"Bye.." my mom said, walking back downstairs.

Tayler and mom walked out of my room leaving me with dad and Griffin.

"Who was that?" Dad asked.

"Tayler.." I blushed, looking at the ground.

"Mhm, I see that face don't you be doing anything with him" he warned.

They all walked out, so I could change.

I changed into some shorts and one of Taylers t-shirts.

I wiped off the remainder of my makeup, and left my hair down.

I was kinda hungry so I walked downstairs into the kitchen.

Tayler's eyes lit up when he saw me, so he flashed a smile.

"Why is your shirt so big?" Dad asked.

"Oh that's Taylers he wears it all the time" Bryce said, shotgunning a red bull.

"Bryce!" I groaned.

"What? I'm just spitting facts, it's normal to wear tour boyfriends t-shirt" Bryce said.

My dad glared at me evily as I shot bryce an evil look.

"What, why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned.

"What the hell" My dad replied.

"Bryce isn't wrong" I said.

"I thought you said you weren't dating anyone" he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Dad, just stop he's a good guy he would never cheat on her" griff said, catching my attention.

"Then why did he break up with his last girlfriend?" Dad asked.

"She wasn't the right girl for me" Tayler said.

"Sure bud, I don't want you dating my daughter" he growled.

"Why can't you just be happy for us?" I asked.

I walked over so tayler and gave him a hug and a peck on the lips. Making dad go silent.

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