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Jadens POV

I woke up beside Emma and, I realized what happened last night so I got up and put on my boxers and shorts before she woke up
Ja) morning baby
Em) ugh why does it hurt
Ja) ummm well
Em) did we fuck!
Ja) maybe..
Em) jaden I can't walk anymore it hurts
Ja) oh shit ummm...we just need to stay in bed all day then
Em) okay come here
Ja) you should at least put on some clothes first before someone walks in
Em) oh yeah probably can you hand me my clothes please
Ja) yeah
I looked in her closet for something and I picked out a sports bra, panties and sweats like usual, I handed them to her and watched as she put them on
Em) jaden my legs..
Ja) I'm sorryyyy
I felt really bad for her so I just gave her an I'm sorry please don't be mad at me kinda look
Em) your lucky your cute
I smiled and laid in bed next to her then there was a knock at the door
Ja) come in
Griff) hey
Em) ugh morning
Griff) are you good
Em) yeah I'm just tired

Emma's POV

I woke up and saw jaden getting dressed and I realized I wasn't wearing anything
Ja) morning baby
Em) ugh why does it hurt
Ja) ummm well
I knew exactly what happened
Em) did we fuck!
Ja) maybe..
Em) jaden I can't walk now it hurts
Ja) oh shit umm...we just need to stay in bed all day
Ee just argued and I told him to grab me some clothes and he watched as I put them on
He gave me a sorry look and I forgave him because he is my simp
Em) your lucky your cute
we smiled at eachother and he laid beside me but then all of the sudden we heard someone knock on the door
Ja) come in
It had to be griff why not
Griff) hey
Em) ugh morning
Griff) are you good
Em) yeah I'm just tired
I wasn't actually tired but I was in a little pain
*time skip to a few days later*
I woke up beside jaden and I felt like shit because I was on my period so I didn't bother getting up
Ja) morning
He said and put his arms around my waist
Em) yeah morning
I said sassy like
Ja) what's wrong
Em) I have cramps
Ja) oh I'm sorry do you want McDonald's
Em) yes please
Ja) okay I'll order it
He got up and 20 minutes later he came back with McDonalds, nutella, and a hot water bottle
Em) awe baby thank you
I teared up a little because stupid emotions
Ja) what's wrong
Em) nothing I'm just so thankful for you
Ja) awe bubs
He laid beside me and we cuddled for a few hours until she fell asleep

I'm sorry this was such a short chapter i need ideas so If you have any please comment and I just found out today jaden does steroids and it makes me sad but I still love him and that won't change so no hate to jaden

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