Chapter 22

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I woke up kinda late. There was no jaden beside me so I just assumed he was helping his mom or something.

I changed into shorts and one of jadens t-shirts, washed my face and put my hair in a messy bun, I walked downstairs and saw Amy.

"Morning hun" she said.

"Morning mrs. hossler" I smiled, moving my hair out of my face.

"Oh please call me mom" she smiled.

"Okay" I giggled.

A few minutes later haley came down.

"Morning everyone" she smiled, grabbing some juice.

"Morning" we all replied.

"Where's jaden?" I asked, looking up from my phone.

"He went to McDonald's to get breakfast for everyone" Amy smiled.

"Ohh okay" I replied, sending snaps to people.

We all just talked, until the door opened.

"Oh you're up" jaden smiled, placing the food on the counter.

He walked over to me, and gave me a kiss like he does every morning.

"Aww" Amy teased.

Jaden laughed and of course I blushed.

"She's blushinggg" haley teased, grabbing her food.

"Sorry about that" I smiled, grabbing my food.

"Nono it's okay don't be sorry" Amy smiled.

"See my family doesnt care" jaden said, taking a seat next to me.

"I feel comfortable in this family" I replied, eating my food.

"Aww hun" Amy smiled.

We just ate and joked around for awhile, I helped with the dishes before going up stairs to do my makeup.

"Baby do you have to wear makeup? I wanna cuddle" jaden asked.

"It makes me feel good about myself, and I'm only doing natural" I smiled.

"Okay uh when you're done haley asked me if you could do hers, she saw your Instagram" he said, laying on our messy bed.

I finished mine, and went to her room knocking on the door.

"Oh hey Emma" haley said, opening her door, allowing me in.

"Hey, jaden said you wanted me to do your makeup" I smiled.

"Really? I mean I can try it myself" she said, closing the door.

"I would really appreciate it if you did it" she smiled.

"Of course" I giggled, sitting on her bed.

"Alrighty what look are you going for?" I asked, as she sat down.

"Something natural" she replied.

"Okay I can do that" I said.

"So um can I ask some questions?" She asked.

"Yeah of course" I replied, starting her eyeshadow.

"How long have you and jaden been dating?" She asked.

"A couple of days" I replied.

"Really? it looks like you've been dating longer" she smiled.

"Yeah it does kinda, but we've always been friends" I answered.

"That makes sense" she said.

"Yep" I smiled.

"Have you confessed your love yet?" She giggled.

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