Chapter 11

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"Hey babe, I just wanted to tell you, I love you" he whispered in my ear.

"A I love you to Tay-" I began.

He cut me off with a kiss, one thing leads to another then we are making out.

I felt him tug on my shirt so I put my arms up, he quickly removed it.

He started kissing my neck, moving down to my jawline leaving hickeys.

He moved to my boobs and he started to unclip my br, he threw it across the room somewhere and he started sucking my left breast while massaging the other.

I moaned into his ear, which turned him on even more.

He stopped for a few minutes, making me whimper, he removed his shirt quickly.

He kissed down to my waist and took off my skirt, he started kissing my thighs.

" stop teasing me" I moaned.

"Well how else am I supposed to get you to want me" he teased.

He slowly removed my underwear revealing my clit.

He smashed his lips onto mine while sticking two fingers in me and slowly thrusting in and out, hitting my g-spot every once in awhile.

"Fuck...yess that feels so good" I moaned into his lips.

He smiled and then he started kissing my thighs again.

Out of surprise he stuck his tongue in me making me squirm in pleasure.

"Mmm...yess daddy right there mmm" I moaned with pleasure.

He held me still so he could lick more, my hands went down to his hair, grabbing onto it.

" taste so fucking good" he smirked, and went down again.

"Fuckkk" I whimpered.

He smirked again, and continued.

"Faster..please..mmm" I moaned.

He went a bit faster, a familiar feeling was forming in my stomach.

"Fuck...daddy I'm gonna.." I began.

He covered my mouth as I came.

"Mmmm" I moaned.

"My turn" he smirked, leaning back on the bed.

I pulled off his pants and boxers and I looked up at him, he bit his lip and of course that turned me on.

I licked his tip quickly, looking up at him.

"Fuck..stop teasing me" he groaned.

I put my lips over his dick, and started bobbing my head up and down.

"Mmh... shit keep going" he moaned.

I started going harder and faster, soon enough I felt him twitch in my mouth

"Fuck...I'm gonna cum" he moaned throwing his head back.

He soon came in my mouth, so I swallowed, and laid beside him.

"That was amazing" I smiled.

"I never said we were finished.." he grinned, in a deep voice, making me a bit wet.

He grabbed a condom, placing it on and hovered over me.

"You ready baby girl" he groaned.

"Mm yeah" I moaned.

He slowly thrusted in, letting me adjust. I nodded when I got used to the feeling.

He started going slow, which felt amazing.

"God, you're so wet" he moaned.

"Shit, harder...mmm" I moaned.

He started going faster and a bit harder, which sent me over the edge.

"Mmmm" I moaned, kissing down his chest, leaving a few hickeys.

After a few minutes I felt my climax approaching.

"Fuck..daddy I'm gonna...cummmm" I moaned.

"Oh fuck..." he moaned.

He threw his head back.

"Shit I'm gonna cum too" he moaned.

After another minute we both came.

He laid beside me, as we tried to catch our breaths.

"Did you have a good time baby?" He asked, planting a kiss on my head.

"Yes tay, that was amazing" I smiled.

"You really like calling me daddy don't you?" He grinned.

"It felt right to say that" I blushed.

He picked me up and we went and had a shower.

We washed eachother off.

I just put on a sports bra and some panties.

We eventually fell asleep cuddling.

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