the beach

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I woke up beside jaden and I was so happy for some reason but he was still sleeping so I tried to get up but I felt arms wrap around my waist
Ja) baby where are you going
Em) I was gonna go downstairs
Ja) why
Em) so you could sleep
Ja) well your not going anywhere now
Em) oh really?
I tried to get up but he pulled me back on the bed
Em) okay you win
I cuddled up to him putting my head against his with my arms around his neck and his around my waist
Ja) why are you so clingy in the morning
Em) says you
Ja) what I just want to spend time with my beautiful girlfriend in the morning
Em) awee
I gave him a kiss and he obviously kissed back, we cuddled for like 20 minutes before we got up, I changed into shorts and a t-shirt
Ja) you look beautiful today well everyday really
Em) awe bubs I love you so much
Ja) I love you to baby
I blushed a little as he planted a kiss on my forehead, he went in the bathroom and i did my makeup soon enough i heard the water running so i just went downstairs and made pancakes
M) what smells so good
Em) well i know this isn't my house but I made breakfast for everyone
M) awe thanks hun we're so lucky to have you here
Em) I love it here my dad just yells at me and my mom embarrasses me
M) well that doesn't happen here your welcome here whenever
Em) awe thank you, well I'm gonna go get jaden
When I walked upstairs I saw the bathroom door open and he was making tik toks i saw him doing this

(The first one)
And I couldn't help but laugh at him and he saw me
Ja) you scared me
Em) I'm sorry but that was hilarious
Ja) oh come here
So I walked over to him and he smashed his lips on mine
Em) jeez baby that was aggressive
Ja) I'll show you aggressive
Em) maybe later
Ja) bet
He threw me over his shoulder and ran downstairs
Em) jadennnnn
Ja) ha ha I love you too
M) jaden dont be mean to your girlfriend
Em) yeah don't be mean to her
I said sassy like but he knew I wasn't being serious, we ate and got ready for the beach I put on a blue bikini and a hoodie overtop, he just wore blue shorts
Ha) are you ready to go
Ja) you know it
Em) yeah let's go
When we got to the beach I set out my towel and took off my hoodie
Ha) yo Emma is that a tattoo
Em) I um...yeah
Ha) girl I thought you were innocent and here you are being a bad ass
Em) ha ha thanks but i actually have two
Ha) wha-
Em) yeah on my foot
So I showed her, and I didnt think much of mine because jaden has a lot and I only have 2 small ones
Ha) omggg i love it so much
Em) thanks
Ha) hey mom did you know Emma has tattoos
M) she does?
Ha) yeah look
I showed her and she looked surprised
M) wow I thought you were innocent
Ha) I know right
Em) well I guess I'm not
M) wait is there anything else that makes you non- innocent
Em) like what
Ha) I don't know are you a virgin
Em) ha ha no
M) I can't picture that for some reason
Ha) I know right, how old were you
Em) I was 17
Ha) oh so it obviously wasn't jaden
M) what do you mean
Ha) he was 16
M) oh makes sense
We just continued talking before jaden walked over wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me
Ja) what were you talking about
M) tattoos
Ha) virginity
Ja)umm i don't know how those things go together but ok
M) they don't but it started off with haley saying Emma has tattoos
Ja) oh yeah she does
Ha) but not even close to as many as you
We all laughed before jadens dad showed up
D) hello sorry I'm late had to finish something up at work
Ha) yeah no problem dad
M) did you know Emma has tattoos
D) wait what really
Ha) yeah I know right
I showed him too
D) but you said you have strict parents
Em) yeah I do they only know about my first one I got the one in my foot a few days ago
Ha) oh that makes sense
Ja) wait you didn't tell your dad yet
Em) nope Griffin doesn't even know
Ja) holy shit how
Ja) oops sorry mom
Em) yeah I'm good at hiding things from them
Ha) apparently
Ja) anyway let's swim im sweating
we all went in and I just went up to my waist while jaden went farther
Ja) hey babe come on
Em) no I'm ok

Authors note
Sorry I accidentally pressed publish but I guess I will end this chapter

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