Chapter 16

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Emma's POV
Jaden has cut me off by kissing me, I was really enjoying the moment.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK!" We heard a voice say.

Griff shoved jaden to the floor.


"Oh um...hey griff" jaden replied, blushing a bit.


"Maybe just a little, but that's not the point" I said.

"Then what was the fucking point?" Griff asked.

"Why are you in my room?" Jaden asked, finally standing up.

"Why is my sister in your room?" Griff asked, aggravated.

"I was apologizing for taking his hoodie" I said.

"Really? because it looks like you were eating each other's faces off" he replied, pissed off.

"It was just a kiss calm down, it's not like it meant anything" I argued.

"Yeah right, I saw the way you guys looked at eachother" griff replied.

"But it was just a kiss, nothing more" jaden replied.

"That's not true, I saw y'all cuddling when we were watching a movie" griff replied.

"Okay and?...we're just friends" I replied.

"Sure whatever, but if he breaks your heart like tayler did don't come crying to me!" He yelled, walking out.

I don't think Griffin knew how much that hurt me. I think I started to cry because jaden looked confused.

"Emma what's wrong did I do something wrong?" He asked, facing me.

He wiped my tears off my face and hugged me again.

"I just feel bad about my breakup, no one's cheated on my before, and then I kissed you, griff is mad, and.. I just feel like such a bad person" I began.

"You're a great person, Tayler is missing out on so much" he smiled.

"Thank you, but I uh...I gotta go" I quickly kissed his cheek before I left.

I walked back into my room and laid in bed.

I could only think about how he's still with mads.

"What the fuck did I do" I mumbled.

He could break up with mads and we can get together, or 2 he could just ignore me and stay with mads even though I know that he likes me more than her.

I decided to plan out on how to get jaden to fall for me. I had the perfect idea; so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to be all cute and stuff.

I know that it drives him crazy when I like play with his hair and stuff, so I'll just do stuff like that more often and hopefully this will work, cause I really like him. I just hope that he chooses me.

I eventually fell asleep thinking about stuff.

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