Chapter 6

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Tayler and I agreed to go out for supper the following day after he asked me out, so we chilled with the rest of the guys until the evening, just talking and watching shows.

I began getting ready around 4:30 since I just had to do my makeup and hair. I also decided to wear a nice yet casual outfit.

After getting ready, I met Tayler downstairs by the door. He took my hand in his, and we made our way outside to my car. He opened the door for me before climbing into the driver's seat of the vehicle, where I handed him the keys.

I connected my phone to the Bluetooth in my car and began playing some music from my favourite playlist. The first song happened to be 'Love Bites' by Def Leppard, one of my all-time favourite songs. I began lip syncing to the lyrics, making Tayler smile.

Tayler drove us to a local restaurant and once again opened the door for me.  Once we got inside, the cute waiter led us to our table and handed us some menus before pulling out his notepad and pen.

"Can I start you off with some drinks?"

"Oh, I will have an iced tea," I replied, smiling.

Tayler glanced at the waiter, "I'll just have a coke."

The waiter nodded and wrote down our requests. He quickly winked at me before heading into the kitchen.

"Did he just wink at you?" Tayler asked, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Uh, I think so?" I replied, smiling softly.

"Of course," Tayler muttered to himself under his breath, making me frown ever so slightly.

"So, how has your day been?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh, pretty good. I've just been chilling today. I was thinking about filming another YouTube video."

"That's good! I was drawing and watching TV, like, all day."

After a few more minutes of taking, the waiter arrives with our beverages and pulls out his notepad once more.

"Any appetizers?" He asks.

"I think I will just get a main course."

Tayler nods, agreeing with what I had said.

"No problem. What can I get for you both?"

Tayler answers first, "I will have your famous lasagna."

"Okay, would you like garlic bread or salad with that?"

"Garlic bread for sure," he replies, closing his menu.

"Mmk, and for you, miss?"

I share a gentle smile with the waiter before responding, "I will just have the chicken alfredo, please."

"Good choice. That's my favourite," he begins, writing down my order, "Garlic bread with that as well?"

"Yes, please."

"Alrighty. Your food shall be out shortly," the waiter replies, taking the menus back with him.

"That damn waiter is definitely hitting on you."

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