Chapter 42

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In that picture for this chapter
Yes Its my edit
Its my one of my best/bad edits

I hope you like the new cover for this story there all my edits in the back ground I proud of all of them:)

PS I'm gonna follow everyone who comments and votes this chapter!
Must me following me tho!

Chapter 42
Love Me Like You Do

James' POV

"You should be trying to get home now, the storm is gonna hit soon and I don't want you stuck there"

"Sorry I'm trying but I'm releasing a single tomorrow I've been working all day to get shit done"

"Alright well call me when your leaving, Dont work yourself to hard remember your 5 months pregnant"

"How can I forget"

I hung up the phone

I know she's only 10 minutes away but still I'm worried this storm it gonna hit hard and it's going to last for hours

I can't have her get stuck at her publishers I know she'll be safe with her team but I still worry

I slopped down on the couch in the living room, and turned on the tv

"E! News lovely show me more drama on the K-Dash clan" I said to the tv

"Kim is expecting baby number 3, no word on when there baby will coming coming but we'll keep you posted and on the topic of expecting another very famous celebrity if expecting her first child."
"Yes if you didn't know already Ariana Grande has a baby belly. She hasn't spoken out about this publicly but come on you can look at her and tell she's pregnant"

I knew this was gonna come up, only a matter of time before they find I'm the dad

"No word on the father but I'm betting its either her off and on boyfriend James Maslow or her recent ex Nathan Skyes. How we still don't know they even broke up."
"She hasn't spoken out about much lately obviously she's been wanting some privacy and we respect that but Ariana we want answers"

Ok time to change the channel, wow it only took them 5 months to put that together, I don't know what Ari's plane are I have a feeling she's only releasing a single so she can make speak out about the baby

Over an hour went by of me just watching family guy and csi new york

I was on that show for a season, that was fun I should do it again

Ok well I'm waiting for Ariana to walk through the door any minute.

It's already started to rain and its gonna get bad real quick

I keep on looking out the window every minute looking for her

The one time I wasn't paying attention to the door I heard it open

"There you are" I said watched her take off her coat and shake of her umbrella and take off her shoes putting them next to the door

"Sorry, I had so much to do" She falls back on the couch and puts her feet up "I'm so tired"

"Are you seriously watching yourself on tv?" She asked

"What? There was nothing else on"

She takes the remote from me

"I am not watching your reality shows"

"But I'm so behind on Pretty Little Liars pleeasseee" she wined

"No, but on a movie"

"But I dont want to watch a movie"

"Well I'm not watching that show"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now