Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Ariana's POV

James' never came back to check on me instead he sent Logan

He would tell me where he was just that something came up

I wasn't gonna test him on it so I shook off

Until now Its been a few days the only way I've talked to James was over text

He's been sending Logan

"Logan I'm serious where is he?"

"I told you he's had some things come up"

"That was 2 days ago, I'm getting worried"

"Ok something did come up, he's down see his parents and he's being pushed under more stress than everyone should go through"

"Why couldn't he just tell me that?"

"He doesn't want you to worry"

"I'm going down there, to San Diego and you can't stop me"

He grabbed me by legs and picked me up

"Logan put me down"

"Not happening"

He took me up stares and too my bedroom. He put me down quickly ran out and held the door from the other side

"Logan!" I hit the door

"Promise you want go there until he says so"

"Logan this isn't funny"

"Promise me that please"

I give up "fine"

He opened the door "I can't leave now cuz your just gonna go to his parents"

"Phht what nooo" I said with that your crazy face


James' POV

"Mom, Dad no for the thousand time no!" I yelled "you don't understand how much this will upset her and I'm not gonna let that happen!"

"Isabella is a great girl, you two were best friends until you met Ariana and your life and head was messed with"

"I haven't talk to Isabella in years Mom, and Ariana is in my life now"

"Oh so you two are dating again, can't wait to see how long thats gonna last"

"Not exactly no"

"Then your free for Isabella"

"No! You don't know the whole story"

"Than tell us James"

"Its not my place too"

"Isabella and her parents will be here an hour now go get dressed"

3 days of this shit and I can't make them change there mind even a little

I don't want to drag Ariana down here but She's the only one who can tell them because if I do She be pissed at me

God I'm screwed


Ariana's POV

I called James again and no answer

Something is going on with his parents

I know that their crazy, god knows what their dragging him into now

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now