Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Tight Space

Ariana's POV

"I miss you to, I gotta go I have sound check I'll call you later"

"Alright have fun"

"love you bye" I hung up the phone on Nat. I'm so happy to talk to him.

The guys right finished there sound check now its time for mine. As I walked pasted them it was like a death stare contest passing James like always.

"Ok hit the lights" The main stage lights went off. When I do sound check we go full out with the lighting and everything.

"And big screen on with Opening singing video"

Just a video of me preforming in front of thousands and getting everything hipe.

"I love the way you make me feel.." the I say at the very end of the video than the screen goes off lights come up and I rise from under the stage.

The Way starts playing from the band.


"great set Ari, save that energy for the concert in 3 hours"

what energy? I'm ready too fall over.

I walk off the stage and hunt for the water bottles.

"Has anyone seen the water bottles?"

"there some in your dressing room" someone answered me

"thank you"

I slowly walk down the hall ready to pass out. I see a door open blocking my path.

"Has anyone heard of closing a door around here"

I go to close it but it was stopped.

"Trying to lock me in here?"

I look in the closet

"James?! what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm just helping out getting supplies for everyone"

I stand there thinking really hard. "need any help?" It took my long enough to ask

"If I can't reach those wires than you can't"

"oh please let me try"

I push pasted him and jump as high as I can.

"see you cant reach them"

"Maybe if we working together for once we get them" Did those works just leave my mouth.

"fine" He grabs my waist, lifts me up I reach for the wires rolled up in a circle. I thought they were gonna be light and I can just pick them up but they were heavy as shit.

They slipped off the shelve we both fall down. I landed on him without a scratch sorry for James who took a hard thud.

"why is it dark in here?" I ask I look around, "Did the door close?" I ask standing reaching around on the walls looking for the doorknob. I found it I turn it shake it. its not opening.

"Oh no no no no!" I turn the doorknob again and shake it even more

"Its locked! Were trapped in here. I'm stuck in a small room with you!"

"oh yea just ignore the fact that I just fell hard on back, oh I'm fine by the way"

"Stop your wining and open the door"

I hear him scuff, He gets up then grabs the doorknob doing the same thing I did.

"Great job Maslow"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now