Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Ariana's POV

"Thank you dear" i said taking the gift and putting it on the table with the others

Baby showers are always nice, I loved them when I was younger. And now I finely get to have my own.

Being 7 months now, and feeling like I could pop any moment, even though thats not for another 2 months, I thought it was necessary to have it now before I really don't feel like I can doing anything.

I've James running out getting stuff we need when we need it like ice and stuff.

He's sweating and still looks nice.

He is the only male here when he pops his head into the room when we need something or just to say hi.

We haven't exatly defined us relationship wise, I guess we're still friends with benefits thats okay for now. I heard sex helps when your nearly due, I learn that from Friends haha

We used to be like this years ago but now its different we feel more connected then ever. This baby is the best thing thats ever happened to us.

"Ariana I think its time to open gifts"

"Oh yes lets go do that" I snapped out of glazing at James who was leaning on the railing at the top of the stairs watching what was going on, and got back to reality


I opened at least almost half the gifts because there was so many people I had to invite thats I've known for years and I also have a lot of family.

Someone actually got James and I 2 tickets to the Hawaii, I almost could except it thats not something you get given everyday. A few spa cards That I got wow am I thank for them because I really need them, and so many things for our baby boy.

We're starting on the babys room soon. Its going to blue obviously but I different shade we want something different for our kid and names are still been passed around.

We have so many now that we like its going to be so hard to pick, james is still push James jr jr since his dad's name is James but I don't about naming him that because I don't want a name related to James' dad or mom"


"Oh how about Mason"

"Ehh to plain I want something thats gonna pop like its different but not weird. Like how Beyonce has Blue Ivy, thats a cute and not weird not name"

"Yea I agree with you there" he said

We we're playing games with our hands linking together laying in bed late at night

"How about Dylan" I said

"Its not different though but keep i to consideration, but how about Blaze"

"Oh wow thats a good one"

"I think thats James out of the park" I laughed

"Umm Blaze or Dylan" He said with his thinking cap on "i'm gonna win this battle"

"Oh so its a battle now" I crossed my arms and got all sassy you can see I'm kidding "your going down sweetie pie"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now