Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Working it Out

Ariana's POV

"So are you going too tell me what happened to you hand, and what went down at your parents?" I asked him

I gave him the night to finely rest, relax and clear his mind till I started asking questions

"Its not a big deal" he said, taking the ice off his hand

"That looks a big deal, James have you seen a doctor about that"

"Yes, Logan took me a few days ago. It will be healed in a few weeks"

"Weeks!? What did you do?"

"Its nothing Ari, just drop it"

"Drop it? James you obviously broke your hand"

"Its only fractured.." He tried to rewrap his hand with an ace bandage

"Let me help you with that"

I carefully took his hand and wrapped it slowly

"I know something's wrong" I said "I noticed it back in the car ride to the airport. You've been acting ok to make me happy"

I finished wrapping his hand and placed the ice pack back on it.

"Your were always the only one who could see when something was wrong, you understood me better than anyone else."

"Well I do know you like the back of my hand" I smiled

"The other day I may have punched a wall, I broke straight through it"

"James..." I said giving him a concerned look

"I was just overwhelmed all this been thrown at me over night, I held it in so you'd think everything was fine. When I let loose Logan found me soon after" I looked me eyes

"We both have our break downs, some worse than others. You didn't have to hide this from me"

"I was going to than I tangled up with my parents. They noticed I was seen with you a few times from the magazines and stuff. They didn't like that so they had a plan of trying to let me up with an old friend of mine, we were close until I met you. I was fighting it that whole time"

"I knew your parents hated me but not that much. I almost makes me want to rub this baby in their faces" I kinda joked

"The only way to do that would be let the public now and spread it everywhere"

"I'm not exactly ready for that yet but its gonna happen sooner or later" I said taking his good hand and holding it tight

"I'm glad we can work things out now without screaming" he said

"Its a step forward" I smiled


3 Weeks Later....

"An anonymous source believes they have answers the rumors of former couple James Maslow and Ariana Grande. And with the pictures to prove it"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now