Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Ariana's POV

"Ari, you two are finely communicating without yelling. its the beginning of the road to friendship"

I stood with a blank stare at him.

"That was nothing ok. now can we please rehearse?"

"I think you should sing it with James"



Here we are London where Ed Sheeran is making a surprise appearance at my concert to night. I'm thanking Taylor for setting it up. I minis Taylor :/

Yea so London I remember all the events that took place here a couple years ago. If you want a recap..

I was stuck in a crazy triangle between James and Logan. Halston busted James and I than Logan and James got in a fist fight and in the end I picked James over Logan

(All in WYB #1)

I look to my left and right and see both boys looking out there windows. I wonder if there thinking the same thing

I see the other boys sound a sleep.

Everyone else is asleep. I want to go talk to Logan just to see whats up. He's just on his phone texting. I should so its not so awkwardly quit.

I got out of my seat than say down next to him.

"Whats up?" i asked

"Nothing texting"

"I noticed"

"Stalker" he joked. i hit him and laughed.

"Texting who? Tay Tay"

"Her and my nyc friends"

"Oh right I forgot you had friends in all the popular cities. hows your Miami friends?"

"There doing fine" he chuckles a little.

"This has to be the quietest plane ride ever. when has all of us been so silent?"

"We should wake them up" he points to Kendall and Carlos

"Carlos would punch you" i laugh

"Not like he hasn't before. You go wake Kendall"

"I don't wanna get hit" i put my hands up in defense

"Fine. James!" He calls "go wake up Kendall, I'll got Los"

He puts his thumbs up

"James will do it"

"He's strong and can take like a thousand hits"

"Good point" Logan says nodding his head.

"I'll film it" I grabbed my phone from my pocket And stood in the isle.

"Ready James?" Logan asks him, he nods.

I hit record







*yelling and punching sounds*


We got off the plane with Ken and Los watching James and Logan closely and Logan with a very brushed arm. James not a scratch cuz Kendall tried but couldn't hurt him.

I'll tell you Instagram and Twitter are laughing so hard right now

So another reason why I love London is because they always treat me to well so I always save my best performance for them.

In My hotel I got the presidential sweet. This hotel has a 5 star restaurant and the best food for room serves and everything you'd ever need.

The boys each get there own room and floor below mine. I'm on the top floor

I'm here for a solid week also! 2 shows one Monday, tomorrow, and one Friday. This is amazing!


I'm all settled in and just watching tv and tweeting.

When theres a knock on my door.

Noting you need a room key to get in I have to get up and open it.

I open it and I'm really surprised at who it is.

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now