Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Lucy's POV

"Kendall Frances Schmidt" I said cover my mouth with my hands

"Will you marry me?"

I didn't see this coming. Oh my god I'm covered in tears.

"Yes!" I said let him put the ring on my finger.

Tears just keep falling, I'm so happy!

He stands up, wipes my tears with his thumbs than takes my hands again

He kisses me.

The perfect moment.

The perfect stating.

The perfect guy.

We take a second to look at each other

"Were engaged" I said still processing it "oh my goodness were engaged" my smile just kept on growing.

"We need to capture this perfect moment"

"Excuse me sir" he asked a random guy from across the street to take a few pictures.

One of us of our hands linked together and kissing with the tower in the back ground

Another of us simply smiling my hand on his shoulder showing off the ring.

And just a few more.

"Thank you sir!" Kendall calls to the man as he went on his way.

"I love you" I said as another tear fell down my face. He pulled me into a one of his special 'Kendall' hugs haha

Best hugs in the world. Best man in the world.


"Who to tell first yours or my parents?"

"Of course I got the approval of your father first. So he already knows"

"When did you do that?" I asked him

"A few days before leaving for tour"

"You sneaky dog"

"I think you should post this pic as a teaser than later I'll post the one of you showing off the ring"

"That is over the top stunning! Its just beautiful its shape the color"

"I did have some help from your sister to make it 100% perfect"

"You the best, I hope you know that"

We walked back to the hotel along the banks of the river. No phones no nothing just me and him. I raping held onto his arm we watered as the moon light bounced off the water.

This is only something I imagined in my dreams.

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now