Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

City Of Love

Ariana's POV

my week in London sadly ended. But now 3 days in Paris.

The city of love right? I hope so cuz I brought all the girls and Nathan out here because were in the city of love.

Do the boys know? Nope! But they will when they I bring them to them in a few minutes

"Shh we have to really surprise them" I said "So lay low for a few minutes ok" they all nodded

"I still really missed you guys!" I hugged them all tight

"Ok now go! i can't want to see Kendall face" Lucy exciting pushes me along.

They all stayed in my room. I went down the hall to boys room.

"Hey guys!" I barged in

"Hello" Carlos said

"Whats up with you miss happy?" James asked

"Oh nothing. So Logie man had from Tay yet?"

"She just called me Logie man" he said with a What face. "No I haven't and I'll freaking out cuz its been 2 days"

"How about you Kendall?"

"no response since yesterday afternoon." I sounded hurt.

James put his arm around him. "Don't worry man"

"Carlos?" He shakes his head

"Hey what about you? Have you heard from your Nat?"

"A few minutes ago actually." They all give me looks like I'm messing with them.

"I'm gonna go grab somethings to cheer you guys up"

"Like what? A clown" Logan joked

"Yea sure" I said before closing the door behind me.

I ran down the hall and opened my room

"Guys there all sad and I think Kendall is ready to cry so lets move it"

"What did you do to him?" Lucy asked me


They stayed a few steps behind me when I opened there door.

"Ok guys you have to close your eyes" I told the boys


"Cuz its a surprise"

"We already know you got us a clown" Carlos joked

"Close" I said opening the door fully letting the girls run in and grab there sad babies.

"What? ahhh" Carlos couldn't speak

Kendall and Lucy were literally crying.

"Logie man!" Taylor teased, Logan shook his head with a smile.

As they all said there lovey dovey hellos Nat had his arm around me and James stood next to him to be out of the way.

"I am currently the awkward one here" he said

"James does worry I brought you something too!" I picked up a dog cage from the hallway and handed it too him.


"You can thank me later"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now