Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Avoiding The Possible Truth








Ariana's Pov



Everyone went out for lunch as I leaded down in my hotel room. eating watermelon, drinking tons of water, and watching reality tv shows, kuwtk ;).

I do feel better than I'm drink some water and have some food in my stomach.

its odd its like my body just wants more and more food and water like it can't get enough.

I eat a normal diet of a medium breakfast, a bug lunch and small dinner. and littler things in the middle like example watermelon or strawberries or gummy bears, my favorite.

today is an exception I felt like I was gonna hurl about an hour ago so I think I have an upset stomach so a little small lunch like watermelon.

I did take James' advise and made an appointment with a local doctor at 2.

it gave me time to take relax for another hour.




James' POV



*knock knock* "Come in"

I opened the door and walked into Ariana's hotel room. I just wanted to check on her make sure she was alright.

The couch had a few blankets all in a ball and about 5 bottles of water laid on the coffee table. and the tv had the kardashains on. she has to be sick shes never watches the k-dash's.

"Hey Ari" I said looking around for her.

she came out of her bedroom. "hey" she said

"I just wanted to check on ya"

"yea, well umm we'll find out soon enough, I scheduled a doctors appointment, if I don't leave now I'm gonna be late but the only problem is I don't know where I'm going"

"which office is it? maybe I can help"

"Dr. Marten"

"I've been there I few times, I'll take ya"

"thank you so much" she said than grabbing her phone and a small purse.

I opened the door for her than closed it when I walked out last.

"Hey where you guys going?" Kevin asked he was in the hallway trying to get the stupid vending machine to work. I tried earlier it just eats your dollars.

Ari turned and looked at me and put her finger to her lips "shh"

"I just have to run to the store, James is coming along" she said

why is she laying about going the doctors?

"alright see ya later"

we turned around and went to the elevator.

"what was that?" I asked

"what?" she said putting on chapstick

"why did you lie to Kev?"

"I just prefer no one knows that I'm so sick till the wedding has passed and I can rest than. that means you can't say anything"

"Ari you look like your gonna pass out again, you can hide this for 3 weeks. you need to relax"

"No James I can't. the maid of honor and I'm in charge of a lot of things and I'm not gonna let Lucy or Kendall down because I'm littler sick"

I just shook my head at her

"What? your the only one who has noticed all week"

"all week?! This is not good" I said

the elevator doors opened she walked out first.

"you gonna take me or not?" she asked I was still standing in the elevator.

I took a step out. "only if you promise to try your best to take it easy."

she glared at me for a few seconds before agreeing

"I don't care if shes mad at me, I'm doing the right thing.

I called a cap over, we got right in. I told him the address we were off.

once there. Ari was taken in right away, I stayed in the waiting room.

I sat around, watched some tv, played on my phone for a good 30 minutes before Ariana came out.

"lets go James" she said with no expression in her voice or face. I stood up and caught up to her.

"So what did they say?" I asked flagging down a cab.

"just a cold, I need to drink more water, it should be gone soon after I'm warmer weather"

"Thats good, you'll be good as new in no time"

I don't know something is telling me she's not saying the whole truth here,

Maybe she's just trying avoiding answering cuz its more than it. I don't know but I hope she's alright

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now