Chapter 15

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Chapter 15














Ariana's POV

After the whole Kucy extravaganza celebration the guys and I are headed for Germany. The girls left this morning when we did.

It was really sad watching them leave. I won't see them again for 2 months *sigh* the only sad part about tour.

So yea Germany the last time I was here, My brother made me try German beer..and ewww never again

I'm not a beer person.

"You guys are gonna have too guide me around here cuz I've only been here twice this being my second time"

"Hello?" I look around "where did you guys go?"



"There you are!" I said all of them were at the bar across the street of the hotel.

"Hey Ari" they wave

"You guys just left me there to ask random people where I'm going for an hour"


I glare at them

"Were sorry now come it" Logan said I roll my eyes ad take a seat next to him at the bar.

"One beer for the lady" Logan ordered

"No thank you" I quickly replied "I hate german beer. I know I told you the story when Frankie made me try it"

"Ohhhhh" Logan said

James and Kendall start laughing.

Carlos was on the phone so he didn't hear.

"Yea you almost threw up in the bathroom!"

"And some lady came in and was like what the hell is wrong with this girl!" There both laughing there ass' off

"Haha very funny" I said crossing my arms

"Interesting story little lady is there anything besides that I can get you?" As least the bartender is nice enough not to laugh.

I ordered a different american drink I like And I smacked Kendall, who was closet to me, on the shoulder. "Shut up you guys"

I didn't hit Logan cuz he was generous enough not to laugh.

I would have hit James as well but he's to far away from my arms.


The boys wants to have a drunk night so I ended up going to back to the hotel. Right after I finished my drink.

I don't to drunk nights. I'm not a big drinker at all so I'm always the dd -designated driver, when the group besides to go out to the bar

But when they get my drunk I'm not ok I do the randomish shit and its just bad like I have everyone else look normal when there trashed

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now