Chapter 25

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Chapter 25










Ariana's POV



"Yes James I'm fine, I'm walking into my house right now ok, bye" He's being so weird.

this flight wore me out, I couldn't sleep the whole time! Its only 9 o'clock here in California, 3 hours behind nyc. I have a bit of jet leg, I'm still recovering from my Vegas one. to much travel in the past few days.

I threw my bags into my room and checked my answering machine for any missed calls.

"Hello, Ms. Grande, its Doctor Lawed your family doctor. I received a call for from a local doctor in New York, and I think its best you come in the next time you have an opening in your schedule. Call me back at the office when you get the chance thank you"

We'll he got word quick. I'll call him back in the morning, The office is closed now.

God I'm starving..

I went into the kitchen and open the fridge to nothing except yogurt. Whatever

I eat 2 small yogurts than head off to bed....




The next Day....


"So Ariana, I'm gonna ask you a few questions ok" I nodded

"Have you been feeling drowsy or tired constantly?"

I nodded

"Have you been craving food more then often than normal?"

I nodded

"How about mood swings?"

I nodded again

"One last thing, when was you last period?"

"Excuse me?" I take in defense

"I'm a track I believe I know what wrongs with you"

".......Around the beginning of last month think" I answered shyly

"So you where supposed to have it this week?"

"Yes I thought I was off schedule that all"

"I believe its more than that"

I don't like this questioning

"Wait no! I refuse to believe that! I didn't even, couldn't have! I would have remembered"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now