Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Facing What Was Done










Ariana's POV



I have been having nights where I can't sleep, I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling waiting to feel tired.

It forces me to think about recent events that have taken place or just really old memories.

tonight is another one of those nights.

I remember the night I was an insane, broken hearted person kissing my ex boyfriend.

that night in vegas.

I haven't spoken to James since that night. I can't even tell myself what I was thinking, I just did it hoping it would help my brokenness. did it? about a tiny bit. it was a distraction. I still wish I had a distraction, I still think about Nathan everyday. He never leaves my mind. he was the sweetest people I've ever loved and I wanted to love him for the rest of my life.

just singing with him felt like we were made to do this together forever.

hears the worst part, I don't remember saying that only 3 days later he found a new girl. yea just stabbing me right in the cast. I wanted to die in a hole. and still do.

anyways I feel like I made James very confused, I see him about twice a week with wedding stuff and thats about it. I don't know whats going through his head, I never knew what was going through his head.

I need to clear the air with him make sure he isn't thinking what I think he might being about me.

Were all in a nyc for the 3 days so today at the meeting at the venue for the reception planing I'll just pull him aside.

yea good plane Ariana. you can do this but no before I take a little nap.








"this is the grand hall, we will try the best of our ability to make it the way you want it. if you follow me to the patio" The owner Becca was giving a tour of the whole place.

Many celebrity weddings has taking place here. I don't mean to brag but I suggested this place and Lucy & Kendall are loving it more than the one Kevin picked out.

"Ariana nice choose" Lucy said to me was we checked out the patio.

"thank you" I said trying to stay on my feet. I'm feeling a little light headed at the moment. no big deal I probably just need water. its also really hot so I could be getting over heated a little. Becca was leading us back inside, I grabbed James' arm

"Hey, can talk you for a sec?" We walked a aside to the shade under an umbrella.

"Whats up?" he asked friendly

"I just wanted to apologize fo-" I almost feel over mid sentence, I held my head. James reached out to catch me.

"wow you ok?" he asked concerned.

"I think so?" I questioned/answered.

"you need to see to a doctor" he said putting his hand to my forehead. "you have a fever"

"No i don't its just really hot out here"

"its 55 degrees out its not hot. I'm taking you to a doctor than we can talk ok"

"no James I'm honestly fine, just dehydrated at the moment. all I wanted to do was apologize for my stupidness from Vegas, I made a move on you I didn't know I was doing."

"Ari, your still on that?"

"I cant stopping think about it.."

"I understand you were in your right mind. its all good. please go get some water and rest so I don't have to worry about passing out in the middle of the road"

"whatever you say captain" I smiled

"come on" he opened the door for me than followed my back inside.

I'm glade thats all cleared up.

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now