Chapter 14

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Chapter 14












Lucy's POV

Kendall and I laid in bed together in his room.

I just keep on looking at the ring and smiling like a dork each time I look. Than I look up at him and smile like a little kid on christmas day.

This is why he was all crazy about leaving me for tour, and was so upset when I wasn't answering his calls.

He could have done this any better. I've had the more wonderful night. I wonder if the other girls did also












Taylor's POV

"Shhhh, We don't want them to hear us" I said the pack behind me including well everyone.

"I feel bed if we just barge in tho, what if there 'doing it' "

"Ari really?" I said, she shrugs

"I say the girls go in scream than after that hipe chills down the guys go in"

"Not bad Lex" Ari said "or we all can go in and scream or being OMG"

"I think that idea" Logan said the other guys agree

"Alright lets do it. Here comes the room serves lady"

We all watch as the lady knocks, we heard Kendall's voice letting her in

"So they are here"

After five minutes of waiting the lady finely leaves we give ourselves a minute to make sure Kendall and Lucy are all settled in Than bam!

We jump in! All of us scream!

"Oh my god! You guys!" I screamed the simplest thing I could think of

"Kucy holy Shit!" Ari, my mind is the same.

"Congrats!" Short n' sweet James

"Dude Kendall" Logan gives 2 thumbs up

"I'm gonna cry" Same here Lex

"You could have warned us man, so the girls could be emotionally ready for this" smart thinking Carlos

Lucy jumped out of bed and ran for us. Were all in a hugging circle with tears.

"Let me see it!"

Lucy shows us her hand, she wiggles her fingers.

"Oh my god its beautiful!"

"You did good Ken!" Ari said with a warm smile.

"How did it go down!? Every detail please!"

Lucy went on with every little detail. She showed up pics on her phone and oh my god there so adorable.

Celebrating with Luc was only adding on to my amazing night.

Earlier That Night......

Anonymous POV

"How long is that gonna go on? I feel bad enough"

"Only for a littler while longer after tour we'll discuss it ok"

"Thats like a few more months!"

"Keep your voice down. I'm gonna need it as much time as I can get alright. Know I believe you have a flight to catch"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now