Chapter 47

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Chapter 47
In a blink of an eye..
I can hear sirens about a mile from my house when I was watching tv, just waiting for James to get home. He's would normally be home by now.

I rolled around bored on the couch I got a phone call

"Is this the Grande residents?"

"Yes this is Ariana"

"There's been an accident" just then fear filled my body "your parter-" "boyfriend" i corrected her "your boyfriend James was involved, he was hit by a drunk driver a few moments ago"

"How- how did you know to call me?" I panicked with fear oh please be okay

"We searched his car, got a hold of his phone and called the last person he was in contact with"

"Oh my god is he okay?! Where is he?!"


Have you ever had the feeling where you want something to work out so bad but at the same time you've lost some amount hope
Like having a loved one in the hospital in critical condition.

You can't do anything but pray that it works out and that you can continue to live your life with them.

Imagine watching the person you love most in the world being pulled into a hospital while doctors run and push him into the emergency room for emergency surgery.

I was in a puddle of tears on the emergency room lobby floor. Nurse we're trying to help me up and
Comfort me at the same time.

He looked died, laying unconscious on the gurney. I saw the metics trying to relive him on the street, and when they found a slight bit live in him they rushed him to the hospital where I followed.

I just couldn't believe he was just died or just an inch from it. 😭

I can't explain my pain at the moment or how much I've cried.

And I can't do anything about this just waiting in agony for hours just to get word on if he's alive or not.

If he isn't than I'm going to have a child with no father and no one to care for me or love like he did.

But praise god he is, he pulls through with his last strength than he isn't going to be the same, he could possibly be paralyzed or lost a limb, or have brain damage or permit damage on some part of his body.

I heard that the 2 intoxicated that hit him both passed. One from impact and the other got stuck half under the car he could have survived if he wasn't intoxicated, because thats what killed him too much alcohol in his body.

As horrible as this sounds I couldn't be more thankful now thats their gone, there family's came up to me in the waiting area and have major apology, its a shame they seem like such nice people but there sons were such idiots.


6 hours now..

"Ms, Grande" a nurse came up to me finely 6 hours later, its 4am and Im living on coffee "yes, how is he?"

"Its been a long night for him, we've been able to keep him stable but he's still unconscious, we're not sure for how long, thats up to his brain"

"Thank god he's alive" I cried "can I see him please"

"Come on dear" I stood up she led me back into the halls of scary hospital sounds, crying kids and adults I can't blame them because I was one a few hours ago and still am.

"Here we are, if anything happens or your need something please call"

She closed a door behind me, I turned around. There he was.

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now