Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Ariana's POV

"I said left too right not right too left" my choreographer corrects me frustratingly.

"I'm sorry, I don't dance" I made up the excuse when really it was because James was creeping on me from the side of the stage and its distracting!

"ok take 5 everybody so I break this down Even More"

I stomp off the stage and right up to James

"What the hell!" I slap his arm


"Can you not creep on my set!? its very distracting!"

"who says I'm creeping?! only you seemed to be distracted"

"just please move your body and your eyes any where thats not here"

"whatever you say princess" He walks backstage

my mouth was wide open. Did he just call me princess?! he lost that right a looong time ago now its considered insulting to me.

I take a deep breath through my nose. Hey Lex, Tay, and Lucy aren't here to stop me from whooping his ass now.

"James!" I shout looking around backstage.

I was grabbed by my arms and thrown over someones shoulder who began walking outside.

"excuse me! I'm a little busy right now"


"Logan!?" of course I forgot about the guys who will also stop me from kicking ass


I cross my arms and wait for him to put me down.

we carries me all the way to the parking lot Then finely put my down

I glare at him with my arms still crossed.

"you should be thanking be for taking you out of there"

"why should I be thanking you?! He needs to know the ground rules!"

"calm it down calm it down. You and James need to work out your anger toward each other now, I'm not living on a tour bus with you two fighting the whole time"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now