Chapter 20

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Chapter 20









Ariana's POV




"Ari, its time to get up"

"Come on Ari, its 11am"

I turned over to my other side, and cover my head with my blanket.


I scrunch up my face and stretch a little.

"Morning girly" I open my eyes to Lucy. "Morning.."

"Sleep well?" She asked

I leaned up and looked around "i guess"

How did I get back?

I went to stand but almost fell over

My head is pounding, I feel so sick

"Sorry Luc" I said sitting on the edge of the bed holding my head.

"Hey, your fine we all had fun. You had a little more fun that we did"

"Can you get me an Advil or something please? I'm gonna get dressed"

"Sure" she got up and left the room closing the door behind it

What did I do to myself? I can't remember anything Pasted the first bar we went to last night.

And before that is just in bits and pieces.

I stood up looked at myself in the mirror. I'm a mess.

I brushed my hair, wiped my face with my facial wipes, to make sure all make up was gone and my face could breath. I changed out of my drink smelling dress and put on jean shorts and a free flowing tap top. I just put my hair all up, mascara only for now.

My head is still pounding like a bolder is beating my head.

Lucy came in with 3 Advil for me to take and a glass of water "thanks"

I took them right as she handed them to me

"Taylor said checked on you when we all got back you were talking to yourself or something in your sleep around 4am. So she left you to your predicament"

"I'll tell her I said thanks" I said "I honestly don't remember shit"

"I don't except you too, true me half of my night is a blur also haha"

"When your ready we're all hanging out in the living room" I nodded

Luc smiled before leaving the room.

Oh god I think I'm gonna legit sick!

I ran to my bathroom










1 week later.....




I swear thats the 10th time I've thrown up this week, I'm never going drinking ever again. With all this wedding hipe going on noting its only 3 weeks till the wedding is not helping the fact I'm sick.

Well I think I'm sick, I don't know. I am alway hot and I feel like I might have a fever but no one can notice I gotta act like I'm perfectly fine and just got through this.

It also doesn't help seeing my drunk ass on all the celeb news feeds, Those pics I posted with James, when did I even see him?! Uggh but people think we hooked up in Vegas but I don't think so

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now