Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


James' POV

"James!" My eyes opened, it was the middle of the night. Ariana screamed

I ran into her room

She's crying like shes in so much pain

I took her hand "Ari, what's wrong?" I tired to sound as calm as possible

"I need to go to the hospital" She was hunched over holding her stomach.

I quickly ran into my room and grabbed my keys, phone.

And went back helped her up. She was having trouble walking, step by step she almost fell. I picked her up carefully and as quickly as possible got her out to the car.


It all seems like slow motion, as I watched them take her away on a stretcher and into the er.

My head is going in a million different directions.

I'm I still dreaming or is this really happening?


My eyes opened I shot up to a doctor in front of me


"Wait, What's going on? Is she gonna be ok? About the-"

"Please come with me"

I can't wrap my head around it, I don't know whats going on.

I followed him into an emergency room, room.

Ariana was laying on a hospital bed. She almost dead

"She's only a sleep"

Thank god, I let out a breath

I went up to her, the first thing I for was her hand

"Is she going to be ok?"

"Yes, she'll fine. Something has happened with the baby.."

"No no no, this isn't happening. I can't let this happen to her, she'll be heartbroken and I don't think I'll be able to fix it this time"

"I'm sorry Mr.Maslow"

Tears started to fall from eyes.

"God please tell me this all a dream" I cried

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now