Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Ariana's POV

"There you are!"

"Sorry, I got stuck in LA traffic" I said getting out of my car and closing the door "Yea know I miss driving my own car"

"You can drive us down there if you want"

"Really?" I smiled

"Yea, why not" He said "and cute dress"

"Thank you. I told you know one would suspect a thing. Meaning I had to change myself then had someone to zip me up"

"I'm just thinking about how much long your gonna be able wear your precious heels"

"You thing I'm not gonna make it 8 months pregnant in heels? Think again"

We continue talking about this to the car and a few minutes of the drive

The subject changed to living arrangements. He's only been to his condo every few days to get clothes or something. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if the one night he didn't stay over something happened and I couldn't get help.

He switches from the guest room to the couch depending if he wants to watch tv or not before he goes to bed.

He practically lives with me, it seems like the right choice.

This discussion lasted all the way to his parents.

"I think we should walk in together, show your not afraid of them" He said with a reassuring smile

"Okay" we both got out of the car and went to the first door hand and hand

"Remember if they say one thing disrespectful towards you, me or the baby we're gone" I said looking him right into the eyes

"Yup" he took a deep breath before his parents opened the door


"I knew would be able to have a nice evening" Mrs. Maslow said taking a sip from her wine glass

His parents had what looked and tasted like a 5 star meal for us

I still feel like this niceness thing is an act but nothing much I can do about it

"So Any names picked yet?" He dad said taking a bit of his food

"Umm" James and I looked at each other "we want something unique and different but nothing weird like how some celebrities name there children" I said

"We dont know what it is yet, but we're thinking through some names" James added

"Anything else you two have been thinking through?"

"Like what?" I asked

"Well isn't obvious" James and I looked her confused "Okay, I don't know about you Ariana but James and raised to have children when married and settled down. He must have told you this?"

I looked over at James, who was now getting uncomfortable


"I didn't want to overwhelm you everything that was going on" he said to make than turned to his parents "and What makes you think we are going to get married anyway?"

Okay understandable

"Do you understand how bad its going to reflect the family name if word got out that our son have a child before marriage and never even planed on marriage during the time?"

"You really think I care that much? I'm never taking over the business if thats what you think. I have my own life and career that you can't control because its mine"

They looked like they we're gonna fall out of there chairs

"James its tradition"

"Traditions change" He said with a very confident face "I'm enough not put Ariana through marriage if thats not she wants, I'm not like you who would force. Like what you did with Danny"

Who's Danny? But they seriously forced his 'partner' or whatever inti marriage with him, thats not even okay

"You took advantage of the fact that you know that he couldn't survive without the money from the family company and you used it against him to make this family look perfect" He continued

Wow I'm so proud of him right now

"We swore to never speak of that again" His dad spoke through his teeth

It was actually scaring me, it scared me more when he start to stand up angrily. I grabbed James' arm with fear in my face

"James calm down your scaring our guest"

Wow Mrs. Maslow actually being nice for me holy shit

"Now son, I would think wisely of whatever you say next"

James slowly began to stand up too, I trying tugging on his arm to stop him but he ignored it

"What are you gonna do about it? Cut me from the budget because I make enough on my own to live just fine. You can't force us into marriage because we're adults, you can't tell us what to do"

"I said watch your mouth"

"You've attempted to control my every move all my life and I'm finely putting my foot down. Take no for an answer"

"Your asking for another broken hand"

"Try me, I'm the only one out of Phil and Ali to finely take a stand"

I can see a fight break out any second, I'm honestly scared to death, I haven't seen him so heated in a long time

"James lets go, before you do something you'll regret" I spoke shakily

"I don't regret anything I've said"

I took up put my hand on his shoulder "please"

He backed away from the table, I grabbed his hand and pull him away.

Taking him out to the car I got in the drivers seat this time and took us far away from that house in the middle of no where

"I thought you we're gonna hit him, or his was going to hit you first" I said still shaken "see you and him so heated like that made me feel so terrified"

I look over at him, he didn't even look like he was listening.

"James" no response, he continued staring out the window not even any eye movement

I'm just wasting my time, he can stay like this for hours.

You can understand why always I'm so scared that I might piss him off so bad, he can get 100x's worse and I've seen it. The last time he was fighting with his dad it was back when we're 19 and ever seen than I can never shake that fear off every time we fight.

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now