Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Big Question

Kendall's POV

Todays the day. I'm finely gonna do it! I was going to when I got back from tour but were together now thanks to Ariana, Who I couldn't be even more thankful too

We're in Paris! Were 3rd day together here and out last day Lucy and I spent the days together like no other and tonight after the concert were going to have a romance dinner than go to the Eiffel Tower to top it all off.

Since I'm only opening I'll finished into time to take her out

Nothing is gonna ruin this day unless.. No no thats not gonna happen I gotta stay positive.

"Whats your plans for tonight sir?" Lucy asked taking my arm.

"We'll I was planing you can watch my part of the concert when we can sneak off for a fancy dinner"

"Ummm I like it" she smiled and I stole a kiss

We got into the car, watched the view threw our separate windows as the cap drove us to the arena. That was right outside of Paris.

"i have to go rehearse, the girls are that way and if you need me you know where to find me" i said kissing her cheek before running off cuz I'm very late.

"Throw me a mic" Someone on stage crew passed me one.

"Here comes the amazingly late Kendall!" James announced threw the mic

making anyone laugh.

"Ha ha funny Maslow"

"Well Schmidt why not you start the next song. Its msbwu"

"Hello you start that one" I sass back

"Da da daaaa" Carlos makes in a deep voice

"Ok boys lets get started before Kendall gets in full out sassy mode"

"Excuse me" I sassed on purpose.

"Guys! Can we just start already? Jesus, Mary and Schmidt"

"Ok come on" I said to Carlos "very original"

"Holy Schmidt Kendall just sing!"

"its your Part James!"


Well thats how soundcheck went. And also during the real concert.

You can only imagine how much the crowd tonight loved that one

I even saw the girls laughing on the side.

Now that is all done. I finally stole Lucy and we got a cab back to the hotel so I can shower and we can get ready.

Less than an hour later its only 8:00 perfect were out the door to the restaurant.

"Kendall this place is stunning!" Lucy said as we took our seats.

"I only get the best for you"

"Stopping be so sweet! Its killing me"


Dinner went by faster than I wanted it too. It was my quick escape before dropping the question I've wanted to ask for a few months now. It was now or never.

I took her hand as we walked only a short block to see the Eiffel Tower all lite up in its beautifulness.

"You know it was dream on mine to see the Eiffel Tower in real lift this close! Kendall you just plane the perfect night didn't you?"

"I wanted it to be the most special date we've had. And theres one more part"

Her eyes turned to look straight into mine. I look both of her hands, held them in mine.

"Karen Lucille Hale, yes I just got your full name right." She giggles a little with her breath taking smile. "You already know I love you so much more than life. I'd trade my whole career for you. As long as I have you nothing else matters."

Tears start to fall from her beautiful eyes. I'm trying to hold mine back as well.

"I'm so happy I get to spend this moment with you and only you. Your my only and only. You know what they said two is better than one. I couldn't live another second without you. Thats why I have to ask" i bent down on one knee and took a little black box from my packet.

"Kendall Frances Schmidt" she covered her mouth in shook.

I opened it up, took a deep breath "will you marry me?"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now