Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
Let Me Back In
Ariana's POV

The last thing I remember was people leaning over me asking if I was ok.
And being taking away to the hospital.

I didn't need a hospital. I don't know what I need.

If I'm going to any hospital it should be for the mentally insane, thats the path I'm on, unless I already hit it.

Now here I am in a hospital room ignoring all voices and sounds, I'm staring straight in front of me at nothing.

Everyone is smart enough not to let Kendall and Lucy know so they can spend their first night of marriage in happiness and not in a hospital room for me. After Taylor snapped at me I doubt she'd be here there's probably no one here to see if I'm ok

I understand, why should they? I'm the ass here.

I can feel myself being stabbed with needles and some weird cold stuff being rubbed on my stomach.

They can probably tell I'm prego just by looking at me.

"I want you to count down from 5 for me" the one thing I heard






I was out like a light

*beep* *beep* *beep*

My eyes slowly opened. I heard the sound if beeping.

I'm in a white hospital room.

"Ari" I heard Taylor. She grabbed my hand "Im sorry for snapping at you, if it wasn't for me this wouldn't have happened"

"Tay its its fine" I stuttered, god my head is pounding.

I tried laying up but Taylor stopped me
"Woah girl you need to rest, drink water and not move so much" she said "do you remember what happened at all?"

"Umm not much" I answered

I looked around the room no one else was there.

"Where is everybody?" I asked

"Well Kendall and Lucy are at the hotel enjoying their morning together as a married couple, and everyone else is in the waiting room"

"Even James?"

"Even James" she said "Ari you know why he's here right?" She waited a few seconds to see if I'd answer "He still cares about you and now that he knows.."

"Go get him"

"What?" She said

"Go get him, your right. Its not far to him, he's gonna try one way or another to sneak in here"

"Ariana" a voice said a young woman can into the room.

"Glade too see you finely awake, sorry mam but now that Ariana is awake we need to finish are testing"

"I understand, I'll him ok"

I nodded, Taylor left and closed the door behind her.

"Morning Ms. Grande, how are you feeling"

"Sore and stupid"

"That sounds about right" she checked the machines the I was attached too by cords and tubes.

"I'm here to tell you want happened last night and how its a danger to you and your baby" she began sitting on the edge of my bed. "You had a major panic attack, your friend what must have caused of it, this isn't good for you. I've received your medical records and you have had these before and surprising worse ones. You've decided to put you on medication."
This went on for almost an hour, I mainly just listened and answered simple questions.

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now