Chapter 1

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sorry if the first few chapters are weird it will take me a few to get into the groove of the story

Chapter 1

New Beginnings

* at Ariana's LA concert*

"listen I don't have much time, I need you to make her the happiest girl in the world, be her true love understand"

He nods

"you fuck up, your died"

Ariana's POV

My life has changed for the better

6 months later and I feel like a new me

new music, new hair, new boyfriend.

yes new boyfriend, I feel like this time I've truly found my true love

Nathan Sykes.

I should tell my little life changing moment when we met.

it was back when I was on tour my show in LA


Smiling faces. I finely felt fully happy. I've moved on.

I look one more time and the huge crowd before the lights went out

I have 3 minutes till my encores

many celebs were backstage there one caught my eye, my manger was bring him over to me.

he puts his hand out "Hi, I'm Nathan" I felt the color of my skin get drowned out. His boy was I shake his soft hands "Ariana"

"Celeb buzz just wants you two to do a quick promotional thing before you go back on stage" my manger says let the celeb buzz people to us.

"your show has been truly amazing"

"Thank You"

There I took one long look into his eyes, It felt like love at first sight.

*end of fb*

I did feel like love at first sight. to tell you the truth, I much more happy with him than James

James and I would fight all the time and on again than off again

but me and Nathan not one fight yet, not one off again, on again thing. it just felt right

It felt right when our hands are linked together

It felt right when he holds me at night

it felt perfect when we would kiss

It felt perfect when we tell each other 'I love you' I know he means it and so do I

It was a new beginning for both of us.

This is the life I've always wanted to live

my music high on the charts and the perfect boyfriend to top it all off

I've felt so loved

Even Logan and Taylor our so happy together

as happy as me and Nathan even..

I couldn't be more happy for them, some of their 'fans' are ranting on how their relationship isn't going to last, well its lasted 6 months so far.

and Kendall an Lucy

still going great, they get there little complications here and there but their still the cutest couple

Alexa and Carlos

still married and still loving each other like theirs no tomorrow.

if your wondering about James

I don't know much about whats been going on his life. I'm guess he doing fine from what I've seen online and on tv

He see's the guys a few days when there in the studio but thats about all the contact they have with him now, since their girlfriends and wife are all best friends.

i feel bad for him sometimes

anyways the guys from The Wanted, the band Nathan is in, are so much fun and make me feel so welcome, and special.

I love them to death and much and I love my BTR boys

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now