Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Fangirling Logan













James' POV

"no no no no no no noo" the guys and I sang in different ranges to warm up.

We were over powered by Ariana in the room next room also warming up.

She sings loud and high far over us.

"Why does this happen every show?" Carlos asks

"You mean that are dressing rooms are always next to each other? Or that she does that" I pointed as she sang an extremely high note.


"What is she singing? Bang Bang?" I asked

"Sounds like it" Kendall said

"Since when does she have a song could Bang Bang?" Carlos asked

"Seriously" Kendall said "since her 2nd album. Its her, jessie j and nicki minaj.

"Now that you mention it. I don't think its just Ari in there"

We just our ears up against the wall to listen

Ariana's POV

"Anyone can be good to you, you need a bad girl to blow your mind" I belted out.

Than Jessie does the course after leading into Nicki

This is gonna be a good show. Were singing Bang Bang. I can't believe we did this song 3 years ago.

I also have so much fun singing with these girls.

James' POV

"Thats Nick Minaj" Logan said in shook. "THATS FREAKING NICKI MINAJ"

"Calm you tits bro" I said

"I have to go over there!"

"Logan no!"

Before we can grab him he's running out the door. We tackle him right as grabs the handle to the door.

We wrestled him to the ground.

We heard foot tapping behind us. "Boys!"

We all froze and turned our heads

Ari was standing there with her arms crossed

"Sorry girls their being boyish today"

Nicki and Jessie can out of the room and said it was fine.

They all stared at us.

"Well stand up and explain what the hell your doing"

We all catered to stand up pushing each other over.

"Kendall please explain"

"Logan went haywire cuz he wanted to see Nicki. He went into full fangirl mode and we tried to stop him by tackling him."

Nicki got a creeped out look on her face.

"You can meet her later Logan when your not a nut job. Come on girls before he tries to strike again" they all followed Ari into there dressing room and locked the door behind them

"Thanks for embarrassing me Kendall!" Logan snapped

"What else was I supposed to say!?"

They started fighting.


All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now