Chapter 44

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Chapter 44
Another Night In

James' POV

These night in's have started to become a regular thing now.

Hooking up have become a regular thing now.

Hey, I could never complain about that.

I question if thats just he hormones or actually her deciding to hook up almost every five seconds.

I read up on the subject and the close she gets to the 9 months the more hormonal she can get at least I think, I don't know shit about this stuff.

"Hey, hey hey" I said taking my lips of hers

"What? Whats wrong?" She asked like she did something wrong


"Good" she pulled me back in after I few seconds I let go again

"Okay what the hells wrong with you?"

"I'm just wondering if this is really what you want, or if your hormones are in over drive"

"Excuse me"

Shit, how could have I said that better.

"Oh yea its your hormones" Now I'm really asking for it, Just seriously I can tell with that response it is "ari its 2:30 in the morning and this is all you want to do"

"I don't hear you complaining"

"Why would I complain about this? But its a little obsessive like lets be real here"

"Fine" she grabbed my pillow got up and threw it into the hallway "you can sleep with the dust bunnies than"

"Seriously? I'm just asking if we tone it down a notch"

She crossed her arms

"I'm not sleep out there"

She glared at me

"Okay okay I'm sorry, whatever you want princess Grande"

I sat down on my side of her bed

"Don't you have a pillow to fetch" she said with so much sass my god

"Damn i said I was sorry"

Lessoned learned


Next night

"Okay okay I won't ask again promise" I said with a laugh she threw popcorn at me for asking a stupid question

Crazy how quickly her mood changed

Yesterday and all day today she hated me now she likes me again like what

"Okay my turn, how would you define us" she asked interlocking her fingers with mine

"At the moment or from the past few days I think we fall into the category of the pg version of friends with benefits"

"Pg" she laughed

"You wanted to know"

"Don't you think we deserve a stronger title?" she bit her lip, her eyes darted into mine

"Is this Ari talking or the hormones?" I joked

"Shut up!" She hit my arm with a smile of her face

"Okay its you now stop hitting me" I said holding her arms down "and even if we wanted to go for a stronger title, can we?"

She shrugged, "we can figure it two ways, ask my the doctor or we could figure it for ourselves"

"Safe or dangerous?? Hmmm"

I made a thinking face "there is another thing called the internet"

"You know I trust my doctor over anything the internet says" She

"Yeah I know but I'm afraid if we figure out ourselves and something bad happens"

"Yea same, but I feel so awkward asking my doctor about this, she's a woman that makes it somewhat easier but still"

"We do have parents with past experience"

"I don't want my mom asking questions though"

"Than I guess where down to one option" We both had a smirk

I kept her arms pinned down and raised them above her head as I climbed on top of her

"I guess we're gonna have to find out ourselves" I said before putting my lips on hers

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now