Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
Coming Home

Ariana's POV

I woke up to the feeling of cool air and a dim room. And james' arms around me.

I guess its just become natural for us to do that. I can't believe how well I slept so I'm not complaining at all.

I can hear the little snore he has, he's still sleeping.

I look around for a clock or something I just want to know what time it is.

I just noticed I haven't seen my phone since the other night.

Oh shit I've lost it I'm screwed. I don't want to move cuz I don't want to wake him up.

But all I know is that I gotta be out of here by 2

I heard something ding, I think it came from his pocket.

I slowly reach down under the blanket and look for his phone.

I carefully pulled it out of his pocket and finely checked the time

10, it seems so much later

And jesus does he have a lot of texts and missed calls. I wonder if he's told anyone. I'm not gonna snoop cuz the last time it didn't end well. I locked the screen and placed it beside him on the bed

Wait the nurse would have came in by now to give me my meds I remember her saying that yesterday

I don't know

I am really hungry though, I feel like I haven't eaten in forever.

I leaned up till I'm sitting up straight.

There was a knock on the door and Tay poked her head in

"Morning, can I come in?"


She came in a carrying a paper bag and an orange juice and a pink bag

"Breakfast just for you. I figured it was better than whatever they tried to give you. And also I brought you clothes and your makeup and some shower stuff"

"Tay your amazing" I smiled

She moved her glance to next to me

"He wasn't gonna leave so I wasn't gonna let him sleep on the couch"

"He's never gonna leave your side, hope you know that"

"I figured that" I looked over at him and smiled

I took the paper bag off the side table and opened it to find a bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel.

"Thank you so much Tay" I started to began to eat it quickly

"Its the least I could do, I'm to make it up to you after bitching at you the other night which lead you to end up here"

"Tay stop, if it wasn't for you I would have never talk to James, and things are finely working like they should. I feel so relived. God knows whats going through his head, maybe thats why he's sleeping"

I brushed his hair out of his face and pulled the blanket over him


"Before you head out, We've been talking too your family doctor back home. We've decided to schedule you to see him twice a month for now on. And to keep your meds up till further notice. Ok"


"Have a great trip home still well"

"Thank you"

I reached down to pick up my bag but James bet me to the punch

"Hey, If I can carry this baby and walk in pumps that I can get my own bags"

"Excuse me I was just being nice" He keeps holding my bags and starts to walk


"You gotta look your best for those photographers out front. And I'm gonna act like the polite friend hows carries my friends bags cuz she was just in the hospital for 2 days"

"Ok ok I get it" I smiled

"Come on Ms. Grande we have a plane to catch"

"What about the rest of my bags?"

"Taylor already has it packed its at the airport as we speak"


He put his arm out for me and I took it gladly

"Yea know those nurse think your crazy for wearing heels right?"

"I could never give up these heels I don't care how pregnant I get"

We walked out those hospital doors smiling when a thousand flashes went off front across the street

"You know their all gonna think that we're a thing right?"

"I know" he said with a shrug

We walked straight to the taxi, he threw my bags in my trunk and hoped in the taxi with me.

"Airport please" James said the driver, he knotted his head

It was a 30 minute ride there, James just stared out the window the whole time.

I'm starting to think he's only putting on a smile to make me feel like everything is alright now

He looks like he could explode like I did

He just had all of this thrown at him all in a day. I bet he's just playing the past events over and over again in his head.

He's probably going crazy inside.

Pulling up He got out ran to the other side to open the door for me

"Thanks" I smiled getting out of the car.

He grabbed my bags from the trunk than we walked in together

We did the normal prosecutor for airports

Than waited 2 hours for the plane.

I'm coming home, finely.

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now