Chapter 41

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Chapter 41
Thoughts In My Head


James' POV

"James are you ok?" I heard a faded voice

"James?.." It slowly became more clear as my eyes opened

"Ari" I'm in my bed, she's kneeled next to it, looking at me

"I heard you yelling, I came in to check on you and you were in a puddle of your tears"

It was only a dream
It was only a dream
It was only a dream

I said to myself over and over again as I reached out and hugged her

"James are you ok?"

"It was only a dream" I hugged her tighter

"What was that dream about?"

I let go and wiped my eyes

"Sorry, I really don't what to repeat it"

"But I've never seen this upset and it was over a dream"

"I-I-I it was I dreaming that something happened too-"

"James, I promise you I'm fine, the baby's fine. You have nothing to worry about"

"I just don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you or the baby"

"Nothing is gonna happen, the doc said yesterday we're all healthy"

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath than reopened my eyes

"I am going crazy, aren't I?" i laid on my back looking at the ceiling

She stood up, sat next to me on my bed.

"Your not alone, I get these throughs and dreams all the time. I just have to believe that nothing like that is gonna happen." She ran her fingers through my hair pushing it out of my face. "And You just have believe that your going to be the best dad ever"

She smiled at me, the sunlight reflected off her face making her glow and her eyes looks bigger and brighter. I just looked at her

"What?" She asked with a little laugh

"Nothing, you just look beautiful right now"

"Well thanks" her smile got bigger "now you gotta get up mister, remember your meeting your brother at The Coast at 12 for golf" she giggled after saying that

"Oh yeah, thanks" I said in a yawn

"Call me if you need anything" she closed the door behind her

It took me a minute to get out of bed I slowly got undress grabbed a towel and rapped it around my waist. Went into my bathroom started the shower, to water was hot in a second. I got in a stood there for for what felt like an hour

I washed my hair my body than got out.

I did my normal routine when grabbed my keys and wallet went downstairs

"I'm leaving" I called to Ari

I'm sure exactly where she is

"Ok be safe have fun" not sure where that came from but ok

I went out to be car as soon as sat down everything that could possibly go wrong came into my head again

"God James get yourself together" I said to myself


"So yea the kids are great, Lyna and I are happy was can be. So give me an update, How's Ariana doing with the public knowing and everything?"

I picked up my golf ball out of the hall, threw it in the air and caught it

"She hasn't came out saying it to the public but its so obvious now there just waiting for her to come out about. She's gotten some comments good and not so good since they figured it out she's alright"

"You take care of her?"

"Yea, of course" we slowly began walking over do the golf cart. He sat down he spoke again

"I'm proud of you, your doing everything you can to make sure she's healthy and protected thats amazing I like this new James then old one would probably would have left Ariana to go through this herself" he had a small laugh when saying that last part

I did too

Its probably true, We probably would have ended up yelling at each and I would have left her like that

"I have to say its not easy, we snap at each other every once and while but I realized something from the passed 5 months.. Even though we fight theres no one else I would want experience this with"

I put the cart into neutral and started to drive to the new hole

"Have you stopped to think that, you feel this way because you never lost your feelings for her?" He asked me

Does he have a point? Do I feel obligated to watch over her and take care of her because I still love her?

"Thanks for adding another thought to my head after I already have enough" I said making it sound like I was joking

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now