Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The Big (almost terrifying) Day!





2 weeks later



Ariana's Pov



"Its my wedding day!" I was woking up to Lucy basically screaming into me and Taylor's room

"Did you hear something screaming?" Tay asked

"Yea" i said rubbing my ears

She left the door open, we see her dancing around playing the morning radio.

"You think she's excited?"

"Yea" I answered.

Tay and I got out of bed, did our separate morning routines. Than met in the kitchen for breakfast.

"Waffles my favorite!" Lucy said pouring syrup on her mini chocolate chip waffles.

Thank you room services.

I have to say I eat about 4 of them

Lucy ate more than I can count. She has so much energy right now, its crazy.

So Breakfast was very fact about 10 minutes thats all

"All this orange juice has made me have to pee soo, I'll be back" Lucy got up from the table and skipped to the bathroom.

The front door opened, Logan and Carlos came in "Is Lucy around?"

"Ever hear of knocking?" I said putting my plate in the sink.

"This is really important, Lucy can't hear this"

"She's in the bathroom so spit it out" Alexa said

"We can't find Kendall. We've been looking for him since 8am."

"What? No no, this can't be happening!" All of our faces are devastated.

"She's gonna put on that dress, and walk down the isle too see his not there and cry and oh my god I can't stand this!" Alexa started to cry, Taylor but her arm around her, "its every brides worst nightmare!"

"Where did you guys last see him?" I grabbed onto the situation.

"Last night we remember him going to bed around midnight"

"Ok you guys have to find Kendall, we'll we stall Lucy as long as we can, you guys only have till 5, now go here comes Lucy" I said pushing him out the door "Alexa get a hold of yourself"

She stood up tall and wiped her eyes.

"Did I miss anything?" Lucy asked coming back to join us.

"Nope" We all shook our heads.








A little bit when by We all relaxed we prepared our stuff to get ready in a little while.

Ash and I took a sec to take about the Kendall problem in the bathroom, were Lucy can't over hear us.

"Did they find him yet?" I asked

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now