Chapter 43

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How are you all doing after last chapter? It was gonna happen sooner or later!
Ps! Following everyone who comments AND votes this chapter BUT must be following me ☺️

Chapter 43


Ariana's POV

Last night was the one of greatest nights, I woke up with him next to me, I shook my head with a smile. Wow that happened. I'm so happy I got the courage to play him the song. If I didn't than non of yesterdays events would have happened

When we decided to go to bed we end up just talking for like an hour about stuff I actually don't remember half of it I was so exhausted, and falling asleep in his arms just topped it off

I publicly came out with my pregnancy this morning of course there was a huge reaction to those who haven't heard the rumors from the past few months. And now they want the sex, the father and name they have so many questions

That I can't answer till later on the local LA top radio station when I release my song

I've been preparing myself ever since I was told the set date for this single to release.

This is also the first time I've done public appearance in a while, because I've been laying low ever since Vegas only doing little things here and there

The car stopped, "your gonna do amazingly" James said over the phone

"I wish you were here do it with me" I look out the window to see all the fans waiting to greet me before I enter the building

"You know we agreed it was too early to announce about me. I promise I'll be here when your all done ok"


I take a deep breath before the driver got out of the car to open the door for me and helped me out than closing the car door behind me.

Flashes went off and the fans screamed. It made me so happy to see all there smiling faces

I waved and smiled as I walked over. I missed hugging and talking to my fans. It always made me so happy.

I love taking selfies with them and asking them how they are.

Just too see how happy they get to see me, makes me feel bad I haven't done any sort of meet&greet's lately.

I slowly made my way to the door for me to enter the building.

Everyone was so happy and supportive seeing my pregnant belly. I felt so much better about myself.

Our security person was trying to push me along inside, but I didn't want too I wish I could talk to all of my arianators.

That went amazingly I said to myself with the biggest smile

I'm really happy with how that went


"Ladies and Gentlemen that was Ariana Grande's new single Love Me Like You Do, and may I say wow I'm gonna go home tonight buy this song and have on repeat for hours"

"Thank you" I said with a large smile "This song took many months to perfect, I would write one line and think of thousands ways I could make it better. It was a long process"

"How many months did this actually take?"

"I would say about 4 1/2"

"Wow, well your hard work has definitely payed off. Of course we have some questions for you about the baby, we're been many rumors going around it and we were wondering why you came out with now?"

"Well theres a time and place for everything, and over the past few months that has been question on my mind because I'd have to say it sooner or later I can't just hide a baby. And with this new song I've just fallen in love with I knew I wanted to make the announcement when this song released"

"I think thats wonderful, how far along are you?"

"Almost 5 months. I wanted time to myself to sorta get used to this new way of life"

"I think again that's wonderful, this next one has everyone going crazy Who's the father?"

"Well him and I have to decided to keep that too ourselves for a while, its a little to early for that"

"We respect your decision and wish and him the best of luck"

"Thank you very much"

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now