Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Faking It






Ariana's POV

"Ariana after running a few minor test it might be possible"

"no no it can't be"

"its way to early to tell in a few weeks we'll know for sure. it could be just a rough cold for what we know at the moment."


I sprung my eyes open

it was just a dream, it was just a dream Ari

I wasn't up to do anything tonight or for the next 2. I just want to go home but so no one else get suspicious and I have to prove to James thats its "just a cold" I'm going out to dinner with the gang. I hope its nothing fancy.

I got up from the couch and realized I need a shower like now.

So walked to my bedroom got undress took my hair out a messy ponytail

rapped myself in a towel walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror if someone didn't notice I looked sick than their blind or dead or both.

I got in the shower I was freezing the passed few hours compared to hot from this afternoon. it was nice to have some hot water.

a 25 minute shower made me feel 10x's better. I got dressed in something simple but nice I have warn it in a while. a white high wasted skirt, and a a floral crop top to go with it. my hair was down and my front layers pined back.

here comes to fun part *sarcastically saying* makeup

to myself look presentable so I look my normal self.

I never use anything my big makeup bag but I don't usually need to unless I'm going for a bold look at an award show or photoshoot.

this is an exception for shitting completion tonight.

I was able to get my normal skin tone back, I went fancy and did winged eyeliner, a little light pink eye shadow, light rosey cheeks.

There much better.

I got all my things together in my small Coach bag.

I met Lucy and everyone else in the hallway.

"You look great mis Ari"

"thank you, I'm loving that top" I said with a wink Its the top I got her for her birthday this year.

"We'll lets go" Luc and I linked arms as we talked and walked to the elevator.

I look behind me for a second James was giving me a look, My eyes dart at him saying I'm fine










Dinner was really nice. you know when something hurts and you distract mind of the pain than you realize you stopped hurting? thats how this was.

Until I remembered...

I made with laughs and smiled all threw dinner and desert. After when we were just sitting there talking it all came back.

"Excuse me for a moment" I said standing up "whats up?" Kendall asked

"My brothers calling, I'll be right back" I lied Holding my phone in my hand

I went out the front door. I acted like I was on the phone, I think they can see me threw the window.





James' POV



"She's been out there for a while" Lucy said

"I'll go check on her" I said standing up from the table and walked outside.

She's leaning against the walk with her arms raped around her stomach.

I stood there and clap "Brilliant acting in there" she shot her head up and looked at me.

"If your here to say that your right I don't want to hear"

"I wasn't going to say that because I already knew that you knew"

She turns her head the other way.

"Look you need to go home, Tell Lucy and Kendall that theres something going on at home and you need to go"

"I'm not letting her down"

"At some point your going to have to realize theres a point where you need to do somethings for yourself"

I escorted Ari back inside, she lied saying That something happened at home. she needs to leave tonight

Lucy and Kendall were fine with it and asked me her back


"See their fine with it, I don't know what your so worried about" I said as she was packing and I was booking her flight on her computer

She stayed quit. folding her clothes.

I didn't want to be a snoop but There was another tab open in the browser.

When she went into the bathroom I clicked in it.

"Holy shit"

"What was that?"

"Ahh nothing"

Pregnancy Symptoms! She thinks she's pregnant. Oh My God.

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now