Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Ariana's POV

The rest of the day people came in and out to see me, James never left

Everyone knows now

Carlos is upset its not Alexa
In fact I haven't seen Alexa all day, Carlos won't say where she is.

Everyone obviously knows about James now too since last night.

Everyone except Lucy and Kendall.i haven't seen them since their wedding

I don't even know if they know I'm in a hospital.

They'll find out soon enough

Its now night, I've been quite all day when everyone was here.

I just said good bye to Taylor, its down to silents between James and I. He stared out the window as I looked at him.

The look on his face was unreadable, even after our long emotional talk this morning I still don't know how he feels about the fact that he's going to have a child.

"James, you can go back. I'll be fine for the night"

"Coming from Ms. Stay with me" he joked

"Hey come on" I smiled

"You finely smiled" he said happily.

Yea i finely did, it feels great.

"There gonna kick you out soon visiting hours are almost up"

"Not when they believe your family"

"James, you have a nice comfy bed at the hotel"

"Naa I'm liking this chair a lot" he said through a yawn

I do want him here, so I'm not alone but he deserves a bed and pile of pillows. I know he's exhausted its been a long 2 days for him.

Thats when I scooted over on my bed and flipped over the blankets
"Come on" I mated the space next to me

"Ari.. You sure?"

"100% you need some rest, I can tell you haven't slept much"

He smiled moved his way over.

I had no trouble sleeping through the night. Best I've slept in a long time maybe because I've finely let so much shit off my chest, nothing left to hide, and James was here with me.

Alexa's POV

"Babe" Carlos calls for me

I wipe my tears and finish shoving everything into my bags

He comes into my bedroom

"Lex what are you doing?"

"I want to go home" I cried

"I understand your upset"

"No you don't! I-we have wanted a kid so long we tried and tried and She just slips up once and bam! Its not fare"

He came over to hug me, I shoved him off.

"Not now Carlos. I'm going home"

"Don't let your jealousy come between your friendship" he said

"Jealous? Me? Yea right"

"Whatever Lex, but if your going I'm coming with you" he raised his voice

"Do what ever you want" I snapped

"Know Lex, its not your fault we haven't had any luck. Theres other things we can do if you want a baby that bad. Fuck how much it cost, I want you to have everything you want in the world"

I stood there my breath became heavy and shaky, I began to cry and fall to my knee's

He comes over to me and raps his arms around me

"Its gonna be alright, I'll make it happen I promise. Now we have a flight to catch"

He picked me up from the ground, grabbed my bags and hand we left for his room to grab his things

All Over Again (WYB #3) James Maslow and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now