Chapter 20

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Estorea woke up, groggy and still exhausted, hearing a ringing voice by her ear.

"Yes, yes... I will get up from bed. Thank you for waking me up..." Estorea ushered Anette out of the room.

She sat up, still clutching the covers. Ah, she really didn't want to leave the bed. But it's almost time for breakfast and she can't miss it...

With all her energy, she walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Going along with her usual routine, she arrived at the dining area on time and started eating breakfast and it was onto the test and repeat.

She didn't bother to go anywhere else, besides collecting books from the library and sitting in her room, reading them.

Sometimes opening the window to get a breather of air.

And before you know it, it is over.

And the results were to be announced a week later as all of the participants were sent home.


"Thank you for your service, Ane. I appreciate it. Well, I ought to now. My carriage is here. Have a good day." Estorea gave a light smile before waving and stepping onto the carriage.

It drove off into the distance, back to the house.

"Sir... I also enjoyed your companion... You were very much nice to me unlike the people I have taken care of before." Anette muttered under her breath, as she lowered her head.

She turns around and walks back to the Palace.


As I stepped off the carriage, two people were already waiting for me at the entrance.

"You do know you guys don't actually have to wait out here for me." I commented as I walked towards them, handing Haigu my bag as he took it while Aelia started chirping, her voice ringing in my ears.

"Young Miss! Would you like some food? A massage? Or perhaps a bath? You must be exhausted!" 

Haigu sent a dark glare at Aelia, "That's MY job, Aelia. Get your own." He rolled his eyes as he carefully held the bag in his hands.

Aelia crossed her arms and huff, "Hmph! Arrogant shit." 

"It seems like your relationship has gotten worse lately. Has something happened while I was gone? Do not hide it from me." Estorea said, as she walked through the hallways, with maids scattering the moment they saw her.

"Just some conflicts and all, My Lady. Nothing you should be worried about. I would never lie to you." Haigu answered her question.

Estorea shot him an eye-glance, her gaze staying on him for a while before she let out a sigh. "Alright. Both of you, come to my room later at 9PM. I have something to inform you." 

They both nodded and Estorea walked inside her room, closing the door behind her as they waited foot and hand at her door.


Knock knock

"My Lady, we have arrived." Haigu called out from the other side. 

Estorea put down the papers she was holding. "Come in." 

They pushed open the door, entering the room.

The room was dark, the only source of light being a small oil lamp resting on the round table in front of Estorea and the moonlight shining upon them.

She turned to face them, "Do come closer. I can't tell something that is rather a private matter if you're so far away." She said in a slightly joking tone.

The two widened their eyes at her playful voice. Noticing the difference in the tone she used normally to speak with them.

Without hesitation, they walked closer, until they were only a few feet apart. 

Estorea stared at them, sighing. She picks up the papers, and turns to look at the bright round moon. "As you know, I have infiltrated the palace. But you are unaware of the reasons why I did so."

Silence permeated the room.

"Well, I'm still unable to tell you. After all, we still do not know what the future exactly holds..." 'If it goes along with my plan, that is.' 

She faced them once again with a smile, "Anyways, for the reason why I infiltrated the palace. I can tell you that. It was to get information on their army, defenses and tactics." 

Haigu and Aelia nodded, their eyebrows slightly furrowed. They were still confused. Their mistress wanted information on the country's military? Why? For what reason?

"And... I succeeded in getting the information I needed. However, I still need someone to go there themselves and make sure the information is accurate. And for that, I appoint you, Haigu. To register and become part of their army." 

Hearing her words, Haigu's body stiffened and he felt nauseous. 

A few minutes passed, before Haigu finally was able to choke out, "W-why me, My Lady? Aelia has far better fighting and she is also an expert in the assassination field. Surely, she is a better choice." 

Aelia shot him a glare, it was so obvious what this bastard was trying to do! Separate her from her Mistress. 

Despite her burning anger, she held herself back from shouting and spewing insults at his face.

"It is simple. In this world, the military is very gender-based. Believe it or not, soldiers are much more suited as men. Due to their physiques. I'm afraid if Aelia would be sent there, she would receive quite the treatment." Estorea explained calmly.

"B-but! I'm not good-"

"Haigu. I know how perfectly capable you are. Do not try to fool me. I have been keeping a watch on you." Estorea intervened.

Haigu shut his mouth, his eyes tearing up. As he lowered his head, biting his bottom lip.

"H-how long do I have to be gone for...?" He asked.

"At the very least, 2 years with breaks in between. That's the maximum number of years you have to serve the army before you can leave." 

"I-I see. I shall do what My Lady asks of me then." Without any more arguments, he accepted it and obeyed his Lady's orders.

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