Chapter 9

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The teacup was set down on the ceramic plate that had detailed flowers decorating it.

Estorea narrow her eyes slightly as her eyes drifted over word by word.

Just then she heard a knock, she closed the book gently and tugged it by her side.

"Come in."

A young boy who had gray hair and faded, dark cyan eyes stepped in. He was dressed up nicely in a set of clothes which Estorea had purchased for him.

He walked outside again, and then came back, pushing the delivery cart.

Let go of the handle and turned around to close the door back again before holding it again, hoisting his strength to push the cart towards where Estorea was seated at cautiously.

Once he got close enough, he paused, and pick up the tray, taking off the cover and set the tray down on the table in front of Estorea.

"It seems like those butler lessons which I had assigned to you is useful. The instructor is not bullying you right? Even teasing is not tolerated by me. So? Speak."

Haigu pursued his bottom lips, before shaking his head. He parted his mouth and replied out a soft 'No.'

Estorea raised an eyebrow, then let out a sigh, closing her eyes. She opened them again, staring at Haigu in the eye. "I suggest you don't lie to me. Even if I noticed, I won't take any action if you were to decline it. Understood? If you do not speak up, I will not help you. However, I would like it if you do so you won't become heavily traumatised and be rendered useless."

With that, Estorea pick up the book again, flipping it open as she went back to reading.

True to Haigu's words, he was telling the truth. Estorea could tell, but she also needed him, if possible, to inform her of any problem that would affect him mentally or physically, she doesn't want her to-be-planned long-lasting servant to be useless, and she needed him to be honest with her at all times. If not, then what was the point of buying him?

Estorea sat up, and started eating as Haigu waited at the side. Once she finished, he immediately picked it up and cover it back with the cover, walking out of the room.

Estorea stared out the window, she still needed to make money. Although still has abundance of stuff to sell. It won't last forever. Thus, now, she planned to buy a crystal ball that detects high magic aptitude, so she could raised them as her fighter or money earner by registering them at the guild.

She planned to get one from the slums, if possible of course. If not, she would try the slaves next.

There was a higher chance there after all.


"Haigu, do follow me. Here is a black cloak I prepared for you." Estorea handed Haigu the cloak, he took it in his hands as he look at her with curiosity.

"Don't ask, just follow my path,  understand?" Estorea said, she didn't like people prying into her business.

Haigu nodded, lowering his head and keeping his mouth shut.

"Hide that cloak underneath your shirt. Come, let's go now." Estorea ordered him, as she left her room go to the garden causally.


The magic crystal glowed with a dim light, Estorea, hidden in a black cloth, clutched the crystal ball in her hands, making sure it was covered to avoid any fights when she arrives at the slums. Haigu was simply following behind her quietly.

As she stepped foot in the slums less cared for part of the kingdom, a pungent smell immediately hit her nose.

Estorea wrinkled her nose in disgust and displeasure. 'Let's just get this done.'

Step by step, she excluded an intimidating aura despite her age and body size, it scared the beggars and slum dwellers. Although they although desperate, they wouldn't do something so stupid as attack someone who had such an scary aura!

She waited for the crystal ball to glow brightly, and it didn't disappoint her.

As she walk 2/3 into the dirty alleyway, the crystal ball shined and Estorea immediately stop in her footsteps.

She look around, only spotting one person. A single, young child. Estorea walk towards the child, bending down as she observed its appearance.

"Hello?" She called out, the child reacted. "Would you like to come with me? I will provide you food, a bed and clothes. But you must earn money at the adventure guild when you turn 15. How about it? I won't force you, of course." Leaving no details hidden, she waited for a reply.

"O-okay..." She heard a soft voice, Estorea smiled. "Wonderful. Now, lets go on along with our departure. We need to get you cleaned up and fed. For now, you will become my personal maid until you turn 15."


"Do you have a name?" Estorea asked the young, blonde hair girl with topaz-coloured eyes.

The girl nodded her head, "My name... is Aelia." She said in a soft voice.

Estorea nodded, "Alright Aelia. From now on, you will be my personal maid. You will also receive fighting lessons from one of the knights. If they were to try anything on you, inform me immediately. Understand?"

Aelia nodded obediently. Estorea smiled at this, "Good, you may choose whether you want to stay by my side or only come here when I call you. Your choice?"

"Stay by your side..."

Estorea nodded, "Okay then. Do whatever you please, just don't disturb me when I'm reading it or if it's something important."

Aelia gave a slight nod again, "Yes Miss..."

And thus, Estorea had gained herself, two loyal servants.

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