Chapter 40

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"I'm sure you know what is it already..." Alsa said a smile on her face. "You want to cut your ties with your kingdom and make me launch a war against them, am I right?" Kieran tilts his head slightly to the side, showing that he was unsure when actually he accurately guessed right on the spot what Asla was planning.

Asla clapped her hands together, admiration clear in her eyes. "Wow! The rumours are just as what they say, the crown prince of Gigara is certainly a genius!"

Kieran scratched the back of his neck, looking flustered, "I'm not really much of a genius... Thank you for your compliment though."

He crossed his legs, "Anyways, your request..." His eyes glanced to the side, avoiding her stare, "I'm afraid I can't accept it." He wrung his hands, "I'm not ready for marriage yet.."

Asla stood up at his words, her hands clenched as a look of anger was seen on her face. Regaining a calm composure after a few seconds, she flashed a smile and walked over to Kieran, standing behind him as she bends down to wrap her arms around Kieran. Her hot breath blowing in his ear, "Are you sure, my prince?" 


Asla couldn't see his expression, only to have shivers run down her sides when he said in a rather friendly tone, "Please remove your hands off me if you would, milady." She flinched and let go of him, stumbling back. Kieran stood up, a dark expression on his face. He didn't turn to face her, but simply took a napkin off the table and wiping his neck and shoulders. 

He threw the napkin to the side. And turned around, discomfort surrounding him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react like that. It's just that I'm not used to body contact and I dislike it. Please refrain from touching me in the future. I'm gonna excuse myself now, please talk to the butler outside if you need anything." Without any more words, he walked out of the room.

Asla gritted her teeth, she underestimated him, she thought he would be easy to convince and seduce to marry him.

But apparently not...


She can't go back to that dreadful kingdom... She must not, she can never... 'I... must not. I don't want to go back there anymore...' Tears filled her eyes, she wiped them away immediately to prevent them from falling. 'Ugh, I hate this world so much...'

Unfortunately, she was alone in this world. Everyone was dealing with their problems as well, none of them has time to always help others. Such is so in a world like this. 


Estorea woke up to another repeating day, from the day she lived with her sister, it was a constant repeat of just studying, eating and sleeping. The only time Estorea was able to have free will when all of her required activities were finished. She would go outside if it weren't for the fact that her body seems to go out of her control once she tries to open the door or step out. 

It made sense when a line appeared in her head, stating, 'Estorea stayed in her room for the rest of the day, retired.' The author had written that down so she was stuck. And the only books she had with her were the things she was supposed to study, she did a study, finish reading all the books and even imprinted them on her memory that whenever a mentor ask her a question, she could answer it correctly if it wasn't for the fact that the author had portrayed Estorea as an average intelligent girl. 

And it was finally three months later when Estorea was told to go to her Father's study by a maid. As instructed, she went there immediately and saw her sister also there.

Estorea widens her eyes in surprise, then a happy smile erupted on her face, she immediately scampered over to her sister and gave her a hug. "Sister Yula! I haven't seen you in months! How are you?"

Estorea saw a brief of disgust flickered across her face before she forced a smile, "I'm doing well, dear sister. I apologise that I wasn't able to visit you for the past few months, I got busy handling all the invitations I had got from other nobles after my debut." 

2 months ago, Yula had her debut and mind you, it was a huge success. Yula managed to attract the attention of high-class nobles. Such as the two young masters that visited, and a few other men and women too. Like the daughter of Duchess Graivn, a young pampered elegant woman named Hannah, and a young man, the son of general Jola, he was called Quix. 

They were both very popular in the society and it seemed like a dream and coincidence that Yula managed to become acquainted with both of them and got on good terms as well. 

Unfortunately, they were heading down the paths of despair when Yula's crimes and evil deeds would be found out and get prosecuted and demoted to a commoner where Quix was sold into slavery and Hannah into prostitution. While Yula got exiled, which was technically supposed to be in the worst situation out of all of them as she was simply kicked out of the kingdom without any supplies and to fend for herself, which many nobles are not trained for or taught at a young age, having been fed with a silver spoon all their life.

Miraculously, Yula managed to stumble upon an injured elf in the forest where she was trying to look for food and had slowly begun to change her mindset and her personality. Yes, elves were a thing in this world, as well as mermaids and fairies. However, they remain in secrecy and humans do not know of them except for Yula as told in the redemption book. 

Funnily, the elf that Yula managed to save was the Prince of his kingdom, and he was grateful to her for her help that he decided that he would repay her by bringing her back to his kingdom and give her a home to live in. 

But they were far away from his kingdom as it was located on another continent, and along the journey, they encountered many obstacles and with those so-called obstacles, such as second male leads and second female leads, they fell in love and once they had reached the elf's kingdom, they got married and lived a happy life.

The amazing thing is that Estorea didn't get invited at all! Wow! What a pleasant surprise! Well, she was already dead by that time.

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