Chapter 5

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With Akira gone, Estorea quickly dug through her closet. She needed a dark-coloured dress for it to act as a hood and such. She also needed a mask.

But let's be honest here, would you expect to find one in an aristocrat's room? Well, no. Not really. Maybe?

But in a situation where the original host didn't go out and was kept in this house. She probably didn't have one.

Luckily, Estorea managed to find a black-coloured dress. Preparing her scissors, she immediately started to cut the dress apart.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Holding up a small, white cloth and a DIY black hood. Estorea quickly tied the white cloth onto her face as an acting mask. And she stuffs the black hood under her dress. She can't wear it now, it was rather eye-catching.

Picking up a small purse she had found in her closet as well, Estorea quickly stuff in the folded cut-up clothes and the jewels she had chosen inside.

'Now, I need to get out of here.' She thought.

She could try that method of tying a super durable cloth to the balcony and using it as a rope.

She could try dressing up as a maid but like, she can't exactly get their uniform at the moment.

And she could sneak out, but that's like, super difficult...

Black lines appeared as Estorea constantly tap the side of her waist, her eyes closed and as she went through different possible options.

The walls that surrounded this mansion were rather tall. Her body size was also small.

There could be a hole in the walls, big enough to crawl through. But that's highly unlikely. Hm... Surfing through the original host's memories. She suddenly stumbled onto a certain one.

Her eyes shined, there was a gate leading outside near the garden shed where the gardener work at! She could use that.

She just needs to pretend she's going on a stroll.



"Is this the gate...?" Estorea muttered, turning around the corner of the bush.

And there it was, a beautiful metal gate. Estorea grinned, scampering towards it. She wanted to give the gate a hug for existing but that would be rather difficult. So she settles for an affectionate pat instead.

"Thank~you~ for existing!~" Estorea whispered as she happily pushes the gate open.

As soon as she step out, Estorea threw the hood over her head. "Hm, the town should be that way."

With the purse hanging from her arm, Estorea quickly made it to town. She wondered if a pawn shop existed...

Oh yes, she also needed to find a maid of hers and talk to her.

It should be easy, all she needs to do is find one in the maid uniform after all.

Walking into the plaza, Estorea observed her surroundings. 'It really is lively, isn't it?'

The plaza was filled with many people, of all ages. From children playing, stall and shop holders. Consumers and a lot more.

There was also a beautiful white marble fountain right in the middle.

Estorea walked towards it and gaze down into the water, there were countless gold coins in it. "Should I steal them?" She pursued her lips and decided not to.

She can't really do it in such broad daylight.

Ah, she lost track of her goal again. 'Need to find a pawn shop... I need to ask around.'

Breathing in and out, Estorea immediately went to communicate in order to find a shop where she could perhaps sell her things.

Estorea stood in front of a clothing store. She sighed heavily, unfortunately, there was no pawn shop. They haven't even heard of one before!

So Esotera had a backup plan and would go to a clothing store and jewel stores to sell the fabric and jewels.

Going up to the designer, Estorea open her mouth and began to bargain...


Hearing the gold coins jingle inside the brown pouch, Estorea grinned happily.

'Goal number 1 complete! Now onto goal number 2.'

Walking around, Estorea look for maids that worked at the mansion.

After a while of walking around, she managed to spot one, they were running errands and had a basket hanging from their arms containing fruits and vegetables.

Estorea tug her hood down to cover her eyes and pull up her mask and walk over to her, calling her out.

"Excuse me!" The maid heard her and turn around, puzzled.

She then spotted Estorea who ran towards her, "Ah- yes? How may I help you?"

"Hello, sorry to disturb you!" Estorea apologised. This was the first step! She could apologise!

"I was asking where you bought those from?" She pointed to her basket.

"Oh! This? Follow me, I will show you the stalls!" The maid smiled, in return, Estorea also nodded, her eyes curving into crescent. "Really? Are you busy? I wouldn't want to take up your time."

The maid shook her head, "No, I have time. Follow me!"

Estorea nodded, "Okay! Thank you."

With the help of the maid, Estorea picked out some suitable fruits and vegetables.

Soon after that, they went their separate ways.

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