Chapter 34

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"Apologies for calling you two here out of a sudden." Estorea apologized, wringing her hands.

"It's no worries, Young miss. This is nothing." Haigu reassured her, curiosity filling him as he wondered why his Young Miss had called both Aelia and him into her room so late.

"Well, it's time... I guess. I can't avoid this situation anymore. As much as I like to..." Estorea sighed, running her hand through her hair.

"Young Miss? What's wrong?" Aelia furrowed her eyebrows, asking worriedly.

Estorea shook her head and waves off her concern, she brings her hair down and smiles. "It's nothing. Anyway, I should... No longer delay why I called you both here."

She bit her bottom lip as she took a deep breath. 'How am I supposed to reveal this to them? Guys, we're all in a novel and I'm gonna die?? I mean, tomorrow... I won't be able to explain to them my unusual behaviour since I would unable to even control my own body. And I doubt my dear half-sister would even let me bring them along.'

'... Should I just send them away? I don't want them to see me like that...'

"Young miss..? Are you alright?" Haigu asked, noticing her actions.

Estorea snapped back to reality and blinked, she nodded. "Yes, I am. Sorry. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm supposed to... To tell you guys this." She fell silent.

"Miss... You don't have to tell us if you're not comfortable with it..." Aelia spoke. She was perfectly fine if her Miss doesn't want to tell her. It was an uncomfortable matter for her, after all.

"Would you guys... Be comfortable if stay in an inn? And not see me for a few years?" Estorea questioned.

Aelia and Haigu both froze, not be with their miss...? For a few years...?


"Young Miss, I am... Not sure what I did wrong. How can I redeem myself?" Haigu clenched his fist.

"You did nothing wrong. This is... A personal matter. That it is a bit difficult to explain, I wish I could... But, I'm afraid you will not take it very well. And it might break you." Estorea muttered.

"I am sure I can take the reason, Young Miss. I am not that weak."

Estorea kept quiet, she really didn't know what to say or do.

Tell or not tell? Which one does she choose?

Wouldn't she be taken as someone mentally ill? Estorea let out a small smile, of course, she would. Who would even believe that this whole world was created by someone who simply just wanted to write a story?

And that she's like this, unable to control herself, fated to die, because of this someone. And the fact that someone had placed her in this person's body, that she was forced to live like this and act like someone that wasn't her.

And her plan to escape death...

It was so... Incredibly selfish. Maybe she should just follow fate and die?

Estorea suddenly slapped her cheeks, 'What are you thinking!? When have you ever cared for others?'

"Miss!?" Aelia rushed to her, checking her face. Seeing her Mistress slap herself suddenly surprised her.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Estorea made Aelia go back to sitting down.


The room fell into silence once again.


Estorea took a deep breath.

"From tomorrow onwards, I want you two to leave this residence at 5 in the morning and go to Gigara. Because I won't be able to protect you guys anymore for a few years due to several reasons... And I don't want you guys to see me like this either." Estorea explained.

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