Chapter 26

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"So, where's the faerie forest?" Estorea asked.

"Oh, it's to the East, don't worry, young miss. I will lead you there." Aelia cheerfully replied, humming.

Estorea nodded and just followed Aelia to the huge entrance gate which was where adventurers were often gathered at.

Both of them soon arrived, seeing the huge massive stone gate. There was a small wooden building on the side, and a person at the counter checking people's adventurer or merchant badge and allowing them to go out.

Estorea looked around, there were many people all dressed in all sorts of garments. Some fancy, some ragged, some too much.

Out of the corner of her eye, Estorea suddenly spotted a black-haired guy heading for them. Before she could intervene, he swiftly appeared and placed a hand on Aelia's shoulder.

Aelia turned her head slightly and smiled at the sight of the black-haired boy. She turned around and without any hesitation, wrapped her arms around him. "Yosa! I missed you!" She exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"Mm..." He made a small hum of agreement. Aelia widened her eyes and let go of Yosa. She turned to glance at Estorea to introduce him, her young miss must have been surprised to see a random guy hug her!

"Ah, young miss, this is uh, Yosa! One of my close adventurer friends." She gestured to Yosa who nodded his head at Estorea and bowed slightly.

"It's nice to meet you, Yosa." Estorea beamed.

"...Likewise..." He responded quietly. It seems he was not good at communication and had trouble trying to express his emotions.


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Adventurer Rank A

[Credit: sssi6i - twitter]


Yosa tilted his head, "Where are you guys going?" He queried.

"To Faerie forest. We need to collect some herbs."

"Can I... follow...too?" He muttered quietly.

Aelia looked at her Young Miss, Estorea nodded. It wouldn't hurt for one more person to come along after all.


The trio finally reached the counter and showed the receptionist their adventurer badges. They also had to note down their destined location and after all that, they were free to go.

The procedure was tedious but it is expected among this small country that could be overtaken by any big country. It made sense it was being extremely cautious on who can go in and out.

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